Rolaz Gold (rGLD)

Rolaz Gold (rGLD)

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Laatste update

15 jul. 2022

First tokenized hedge fund powered by a blockchain decentralized investment protocol that allows the tokenization of natural, investment and financial assets. Rolaz Gold is the first product of the Rolaz protocol that tokenizes gold.

Rolaz Gold is an asset backed token that protects your wealth and also yields returns from the already operational gold mining business. Rolaz ecosystem was designed to protect your wealth in times of economic uncertainty, using GOLD as the primary component to prevent inflation. 

With the Rolaz Gold (rGLD) token investors of all income and risk tolerance will be able to invest in already operational gold mining ventures and be able to reap the rewards of this unique investment opportunity that in the past was only available to privileged few or someone with the right connections, is now openly available with the security and the transparency of blockchain behind it.
1 apr. 2022
31 mei 2022
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
Doel 7 500 000.00 USD
  • 1 RGLD
    1.5 USD
Details token
Totale voorraad
Token Distributie
Token Sale 70%
Marketing and Development 10%
Administration 10%
Rolaz Group 10%
Geaccepteerde valuta's
Min. Bijdrage
Geregistreerd land
IEO - 30% Discount
aanvullende details
Binance Smart Chain

Over Rolaz Gold (rGLD)

Rolaz Protocol 

Rolaz Protocol, will serve as a foundation for all the future transactions carried out in the network. The network will support a number of tokenized instruments mostly related to natural, financial and investment markets.

Rolaz Ecosystem

Firstly, there is the entire corporate structure of ROLAZ GROUP, which is responsible for managing everything that happens within our ecosystem. The objective is to keep all activi- ties and resources within the framework of legal and financial provisions, especially in har- mony with the vision of Founders. Secondly, there is ROLAZ HEDGE FUND BOARD, which focuses on the development of the business through ongoing market research, so that new investment opportunities can be developed by constantly researching traditional markets and emerging markets. Thirdly, the biggest asset we have is our COMMUNITY, who are constantly investing in our products and increasing the value of the token. Lastly, there are the DEVELOPERS whose primary responsibility is to assess and identify new technological solutions.

Businesses and entrepreneurs who are part of our community can use the protocol for financing their project provided it is aligned with the protocol's vision and meets legal and financial requirements.

The Project - What is rGLD?

With the rGLD token investors of all income and risk tolerance will be able to invest in already operational gold mining ventures and be able to reap the rewards of this unique investment opportunity that in the past was only available to privileged few or someone with the right connections, is now openly available with the security and the transparency of blockchain behind it.

Substantial Returns

The company's gold mining operations have proven an average rate of return of 50% with no additional risks involved.

Multiple investment options

rGLD provides several staking options allowing investors to tailor their portfolio as per their risk appetite.

Decentralized and Transparent

By utilizing the decentralized nature of the blockchain, we intend to bring transparency and integrity to everyone.

Fully Audited.

We have partnered with some of the world's most credible auditors and certification organizations including Bureau Veritas and SGS.


Unique Ecosystem:
➢ Decentralized investment protocol
➢ Gold backed token
➢ Deflationary token
➢ Stake options
➢ Investment portfolio
➢ Limited supply of tokens

Technische informatie

Technology based solutions are best when they solve a real-world problem. Blockchain is such a technology. Blockchain, being a decentralized ledger provides for a trust layerbetweenbuyersandsellersandreduces costs of settlement of payments and pending approvals of trade. The speed and efficiency of digital transactions have long been a part of trade. What Blockchain brings to it is greater transparency and traceability– an “immutable audit trail”.

rGLD is an ERC20 token on Ethereum bloc- kchain. The token sale period for rGLD will be between six and twelve months, Rolaz Group plans to release its own proprietary protocol by the end of the token sale, powered by polkadot, which is essentially compatible with other blockchains. It will be particularly useful for creating portfolios containing all available assets as well as staking different scenarios for a particular token asset accor- ding to your risk appetite.

The project is carried out with maximum care with investor's trust being a paramount concern for the undertakers. With the use of blockchain technology, the issuers of rGLD wish to attain maximum transparency in all transactions involved and provide updated information to all token holders via a state -of-the-art platform built exclusively for trading rGLD token. Apart from trading on exchange, trading on this platform is signifi- cant because it will act as a buyer of the last resort.

% naam% Roadmap

  • March 2020

  • Conception of an idea
    Research phase

    Tokenize already operational real assets and surpass traditional hedge-fund returns.
  • Q2 2021

  • Website launch
    Functional website

    UI and whitepaper developed, comprising all the necessary info for all potential investors.
  • Q3 2021

  • Token sale
    rGLD token sale commences

    The first token sale of hedge fund gets going.
  • Q4 2021

  • Protocol designing
    Rolaz protocol powered by polkadot

    The network will support a number of tokenized instruments and the protocol will be the base.
  • Lees verder
  • Q3 2022

  • Staking
    Time to invest and earn

    Token holders can stake in multiple investment scenarios according to their own risk appetite
  • Onwards

  • Portfolio
    Trade and build custom portfolio

    Multiple new assets will be launched in the future and investors will have freedom to trade and build their custom portfolio on the same protocol.

Rolaz Gold (rGLD) Team

geverifieerd 100%

Carlos Rodrigo
Founder & CEO


geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

127 ICOs

$666 754 374

Ian Scarffe
Blockchain Advisor

Rolaz Gold (rGLD) Interviews

Carlos Rodrigo
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Founder and CEO
Rolaz Group (Corporate Structure, Blockchain development, and Operations behind the ICO)
Rolaz Hedge Fund (Decentralized Investment Protocol)
What do you think about idea?
Unique Ecosystem:
• Decentralized investment protocol
• Gold backed token
• Deflationary token
• Stake options
• Investment portfolio
• Limited supply of tokens

Rolaz Gold (rGLD) Laatste nieuws

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