Robust Token

Robust Token

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RBT is a BEP20 fixed-supply token designed with an aggressive deflationary mechanism. RBT is only available on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). During launch, a total supply of 100 000 RBT was created, after which no more RBT can ever be created.

Every RBT transaction incurs a 1% transaction fee. This fee gets deducted from each transaction, burned, and converted into Robust Reward (RBW). Effectively, every transaction contributes to the reduction of the total supply of RBT.
To be announced
aanvullende details

Over Robust Token

RBW can only be created by the RBT smart contract. Every time a RBT transaction occurs, 1% of the total amount of the transaction will deducted, burned, and converted into RBW.

RBW will represent the holder's share in the Robust Protocol ecosystem. It will be used for the governance of the ecosystem and confer voting rights to the holder. RBW will also be the primary token for bootstrapping all future projects under the Robust Protocol ecosystem.



RBT is designed with an aggressive deflationary mechanism with the aim of growing the value of the token as the project matures.

Fixed Supply

At launch, a total of 100 000 RBT was created, with 50 000 deposited and locked into the RBT Reserve. No more RBT can ever be created.

No Presale

40% of the total supply of RBT was provided as liquidity on Pancakeswap and burned. While 50% is time-locked in theRBT Reserve.


Every RBT transfer incurs a 1% fee that gets burned. Effectively, every transaction contributes to the reduction of the total supply of RBT.

Loyalty Reward

Every time a RBT transaction occurs, 1% of the total amount of the transaction is deducted, burned, and converted into RBW.


There is a 15-day timelock delay on both the RBT and Reserve smart contracts. RBW holders can vote to implement some changes.

Community Governed

RBT and all subsequent project will be community governed project. As shareholders, RBW holders will have voting rights.

Robust Token Laatste nieuws

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