Created using Figma
20 apr. 2018
23 sep. 2018
100% voltooid
$15 431 459
harde dop
15% harde dop voltooid
pet 3 000.00 ETH
Harde dop 30 000.00 ETH
Details token
Geaccepteerde valuta's
Geregistreerd land
aanvullende details
cryptogeld, Sport


RoBET wordt het eerste wereldwijde platform dat gebaseerd is op de blockchain van Ethereum, waarvan gedacht wordt dat het een innovatieve 'gokuitwisseling' creëert, die het gebruik van slimme contracten en blockchain verbetert om een ​​op cryptocurrency gebaseerd ecosysteem voor sportweddenschappen te creëren. /> Het idee hierachter is om spelers in staat te stellen om beide RAC-tokens of andere digitale valuta te gebruiken voor hun weddenschap. RoBET is ook een digitale multi-cryptos wallet die het beheer van het volledige gokproces met behulp van digitale valuta's kan garanderen


In RoBET kunnen spelers ervoor kiezen om in te zetten met behulp van de RAC-tokens of andere digitale valuta's. Spelers kunnen hun eigen mini-digitale bureau openen en vervolgens hun eigen account promoten als een & ldquo; Bookie & rdquo ;. Het gebruik van het slimme contract maakt het mogelijk om de boekenportefeuille en spelstrategieën te delen met andere partners van het RoBET-platform. Het systeem werkt dagelijkse en dagelijkse voorspellingen uit met behulp van zijn voorspellende tools (RAC AI-platform). RoBET is ook een digitale multi-cryptos portemonnee die in staat is om het gokproces te beheren met behulp van digitale valuta's.

% naam% Roadmap

  • 2013

  • Birth of the AI Project after a successful trial in the B2B world with two financial institutions.
  • 2013 - Start

  • Birth of our Artificial Intelligence Project after a successful trial in the B2B world with two financial institutions.
  • 2014

  • Constant R&D to improve the algorithm and developing an advanced IT platform.
  • 2014 - First platform release

  • Constant R&D results in our team improving the AI algorithm and developing an advanced IT platform
  • Lees verder
  • 2015

  • Our platform starts to simulate automated assets allocation proposals, namely simulated Robo-portfolios
  • 2015 - Virtual portfolios

  • Our platform starts to simulate automated assets allocation proposals, namely Robo-portfolios.
  • 2016

  • Our team develops prediction and automated asset allocations tools for private users.
    In April our platform began generating and sending out automated reports and weekly news articles including stocks market analysis and forecasts.
  • 2016 - RoboAdvisor for all

  • In April our platform begins generating and sending out automated reports and weekly news articles including stocks market analysis and forecasts.
  • 2017

  • Our Robo Advisor elaborates and generates daily predictions about stocks, ETFs, currencies, mutual funds, bonds, etc.
    In March, our AI platform offers analytics on small cap sectors (e.g., AIM Italy index, AIM UK index, etc.)
    In August, we became the first Robo-Advisor engine able to offer simple forecasts related to cryptos and tokens.
    Our priority after the token launch will be to expand our Team to improve the expertise and operations in the Robo-advisory domain. We intend to attract the most talented and accomplished personnel currently available in relevant areas including: Blockchain, Machine Learning, Fintech industries and Financial Markets.
  • Early 2017 - MVP (self-funded)

  • In August, we became the first Robo-Advisor engine able to offer simple forecasts related to crypto-currencies and tokens.
    The current platform is already functioning and the idea of the ICO is to take our service to a next level which allows us to become a world-leading provider of on-demand forecasts and analytics for global markets and crypto-currencies.
  • 2018

  • Sport betting services
    Betting exchange services
  • Late 2017 - ICO

  • Our priority after the token launch will be to expand our Team to improve the expertise and operations in the Robo-Advisory domain. We intend to attract the most talented and accomplished personnel currently available in relevant areas including: Blockchain, Machine Learning, Fintech industries and Financial Markets.
  • 2019

  • Skill games services
  • 2018 - 2019

  • Development depending on raised funds in ICO.


geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Edoardo Narduzzi
CEO and founder


$15 652 533

Alessandro Lentini
CTO and co-founder


$21 638 133

Marco Querini
Blockchain Specialist


$15 652 533

Andrea Bianchini
Web solution architect


$15 652 533

Stefano Mazzarini
System Architect
Ursula Flierl
Communication Manager
Hristo Ivanov
Digital Art Director
Daniele Bianchi
Cryptocurrencies expert
Serge Grigorian
Middle-east area Manager
Mike Hollings
Investments Consultant
Gianfranco Allocca
Sports publisher and Co-Founder
Betting Expert and centerpiece of the project

RoBET ICO Laatste nieuws

5.0 10
ICO Profiel Visie Activiteit potentieel Artikel Team

% name% Reviews
ICO review website

At the root of this project is a platform for facilitating sports and cryptocurrency betting. 

Project advantages: 

an available MVP.
an experienced team and professional advisors.
the project has raised 2292 ETH.
Project shortcomings: 

the market is growing at a slow pace.
The pivotal feature that sets the project apart is that it combines cryptocurrency and sports betting. Users can also run their own sports books.

The documentation provides sufficient information for gaining an idea about the project; a detailed description is provided.

Tokens do not affect the company’s allotment of shares. The incentive program encourages early token purchase.     

The team state that they plan to launch a broad-scale marketing campaign. No details are available.

Most of the team confirmed they are taking part in the project. Team members are mainly from Italy. The team also has the following specialists: A web developer, a system developer, communications manager, digital art director, Middle East area manager and sports publisher.

Information on the project is available via major services such as Twitter, Telegram, Reddit, Slack, Linkedin, Github, Bitcointalk and Youtube. The project has an active bounty program. 

 Based on available data, users do not currently seem to be particularly interested in the project. The team are running a marketing campaign on Twitter and communicate with users via Telegram. They also post videos on Youtube. The project has been featured in some media publications. The number of visitors to their main site ( increased by 300 over the past month and currently totals 63,000.

Lees verder
  • Omdat er mogelijk tijdsverschillen zijn in informatie-updates, moet nauwkeurige informatie over elk ICO-project worden geverifieerd via de officiële website of andere communicatiekanalen.
  • Deze informatie is geen suggestie of advies over beleggen in ICO-financiering. Onderzoek de relevante informatie zelf grondig en besluit over ICO-deelname.
  • Als u denkt dat er problemen of problemen zijn die moeten worden gecorrigeerd voor deze inhoud, of als u uw eigen ICO-project wilt indienen dat wordt vermeld, e-mail ons.
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