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Het idee van RENOVATO is om de basis cryptocurrency exchange-infrastructuur te verenigen met zelf ontwikkelde handelsalgoritmen.
15 mrt. 2019
30 apr. 2019
100% voltooid
$2 300 000
13% harde dop voltooid
Harde dop 17 280 000.00 USD
25 feb. 2019
15 mrt. 2019
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
pet 1 000 000.00 USD
Harde dop 17 280 000.00 USD
Details token
Geaccepteerde valuta's
Geregistreerd land
25% bonus 25.02.19 \ 12.00 AM - 15.03.19 \ 12.00 AM
15% bonus 15.03.19 \ 12.01 AM - 22.03.19 \ 12.00 AM
12% bonus 22.03.19 \ 12.01 AM - 29.03.19 \ 12.00 AM
10% bonus 29.03.19 \ 12.01 AM - 05.04.19 \ 12.00 AM
8% bonus 05.04.19 \ 12.01 AM - 30.04.19 \ 12.00 AM
aanvullende details
Platform, Uitwisseling



Renovato biedt STO-tokens aan in onze World Class Exchange met ongekende service. ICO-tokens zijn ook beschikbaar als een bonus voor token-verkoopdeelnemers.

Je kunt ook alleen ICO-tokens kopen zonder de voordelen of het succes van Renovato STO-tokens te ontvangen. Raadpleeg voor meer informatie whitepaper of e-mail


FIAT- en CRYPTO-financiering
Financier uw account met gemak en begin te handelen wanneer RENOVATO live gaat nadat onze tokenverkoop is afgesloten.

Packaged Platform
Handel Cryptocurrency, Forex, Spot Metals, Spot Indices, Spot Commodities, Futures en Shares eenvoudig met Renovato.

Converteer Crypto snel naar Fiat en Fiat naar Crypto wanneer u RENOVATO-services gebruikt voor een ongeëvenaarde ervaring.

Forex handelen
Handel in Forex met Renovato en heeft een 100: 1 hefboomwerking bij populaire paren en 5: 1 voor Crypto.

Technische informatie

% naam% Roadmap

  • AUG 2018 Renovato Platform Idea

  • The idea came about after seeing what leading exchanges were lacking, support and customer service. Website and name were formed.
  • OCT 2018 Technical & Strategy Development

  • Advanced market study of the cryptocurrency industry and connecting with the right partners to make RENOVATO a World-Class exchange.
  • DEC 2018 Company Formation

  • Renovato, LLC was filed and formed in the state of Delaware and operatable as of December 31st, 2018.
  • FEB 2019 Estonia Crypto Company Formation

  • Filed with Estonia as a Crypto related company under Renovato Trading OÜ(registry code 14661886). Applying for Virtual Currency Wallet and Virtual Currency against a FIAT Currency Exchange in Europe License.
  • Lees verder
  • FEB 2019 Presale Token Sale

  • RENOVATO STO Token sale starts February 25th, 2019 with main public sale starting in March 2019. Full website launch and marketing efforts underway.
  • MAR 2019 Main Token Sale and Platform Launch

  • Token sale runs for 4 weeks or when hardcap is reached. Renovato Trading OÜ is granted Estonia Crypto licesnes to be fully operatable. Tokens distributed at the end of the main token sale.
  • APR 2019 Token Sale Concludes

  • The end of our Token sale and we prepare to launch on own Exchange and open to the public. STO and ICO tokens distributed to our holders. First monthly trading contest and major prizes to be announced.


geverifieerd 20%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Charles Varnado
Founder and CEO
Brian Yahn
Engineering Manager


$2 300 000

Andrey Stehno
Technical Partner


$2 300 000

Oleksandr Nimets
Head of Communications


$2 300 000

Victoria Krutikova
Community Support

RENOVATO Interviews

Charles Varnado
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am the founder of this project and very excited about bring it to the market. Our big advantages are allowing token holders to follow our profitable team of traders without doing anything on their own.
What do you think about idea?
Customer service seems to be lacking across all the exchanges honestly and it's so simple to provide a quality level of service. After all your customers is the reason you're successful.

RENOVATO Laatste nieuws

5.0 20
STO Profiel Visie Activiteit potentieel Artikel Team

% name% Reviews

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

RENOVATO is a group of cryptocurrency traders creating a unique and advanced multicrypto exchange platform with innovative features for traders. The main goal is to lead the industry forward by bridging the gap between traditional exchanges and cryptocurrency traders.


  • Providing ultimate flexibility to investors the RENOVATO platform supports both FIAT and digital currencies including all major debit and credit cards and other popular e-wallets. Moreover, for investors, the exchange will have advanced AI-based matchmaking feature, along with proven self-developed trading algorithms for Forex and Cryptocurrency trading.
  • The RENOVATO platform is powered with a robust and detailed coin listing process which involves thorough vetting and advanced due diligence.
  • The RENOVATO exchange is an open-to-all platform and users can get access to the unique Portfolio Management tool that allows them to manage and track multiple split investments right from their laptop, PC or smartphones.
  • All registered users will get access to exclusive and highly secure RENOVATO user wallet at no additional cost.
  • Equipped with the latest technology and dedicated servers, RENOVATO will guarantee top transaction processing speeds. RENOVATO also guarantees the lowest transaction processing costs for traders in the industry.
  • RENOVATO exchange provides an advanced margin trading and lending feature which allows users to borrow funds and earn interest on their crypto assets stored on the exchange.
  • The software infrastructure of RENOVATO will have its own API which will make RENOVATO completely self-dependent without any reliance on third parties.
  • RENOVATO will help ICOs and blockchain-based projects to overcome the liquidity crisis by allowing them to reach a dedicated community of global investors and provide them with a launching platform for their newly developed tokens
  • Trade with 10:1 leverage on Forex pairs and 5:1 leverage on cryptocurrencies CFD’s. Trade cryptocurrency without owning it and thus eliminating any hacker risk using the MetaTrader platform via the RENOVATO exchange.
  • RENOVATO will evolve as a self-sufficient profit generating platform with a well-defined and verified revenue model.
  • The RENOVATO hybrid Security token model offering users an actual voice of the company through its blockchain based tokens makes it stand out and ahead of its competitors. RENOVATO tokens will also provide the investors with a proportionate share in the company.
  • If the RENOVATO Token Sale fails to reach the minimum sale target of US 1 million, VATO purchasers will be provided with the opportunity for a full refund on the VATO purchased.


  • There is no guarantee as to the price of VATO following sale, nor that RENOVATO’s exchange or any secondary market will be available at that time.
  • ICO tokens have no profit sharing or warrants of any kind to RENOVATO.
  • The information in the White paper does not cover all matters that may be relevant to the RENOVATO project. The document is available only in English.


  • Provide token holders with warranties associated with the value of VATO and the viability of the project in general.
  • Rewrite the white paper to make it more informative and translate it into other languages.


The RENOVATO platform is a unique one-stop solution to all cryptocurrency related trade and exchange. Unlike other exchanges that address one aspect of cryptocurrency trading, RENOVATO offers multiple investment tools and exclusive features like Follow traders, Margin trading and lending, AI-based matchmaking, advanced portfolio management and more. Moreover, with RENOVATO traders will have flexible options to invest and even make easy withdrawals directly into their bank account or preferred e-wallets and other methods. In my opinion, this project seems to be promising and I would invest in it.

Lees verder
Apr 3 2019
  • Omdat er mogelijk tijdsverschillen zijn in informatie-updates, moet nauwkeurige informatie over elk ICO-project worden geverifieerd via de officiële website of andere communicatiekanalen.
  • Deze informatie is geen suggestie of advies over beleggen in ICO-financiering. Onderzoek de relevante informatie zelf grondig en besluit over ICO-deelname.
  • Als u denkt dat er problemen of problemen zijn die moeten worden gecorrigeerd voor deze inhoud, of als u uw eigen ICO-project wilt indienen dat wordt vermeld, e-mail ons.
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