CryptoKonf 2018.


We invite you to participate in CryptoKonf 2018 first international conference in SE Europe dedicated to blockchain technology, fintech, cryptocurrencies, ICO’s and compliance and regulation related to them. It will Take place on May 29th and 30th in BelExpo Center, in Serbian capital of Belgrade.

Conference is divided into four parts and two workshops


Cryptocurrencies – Latest achievemnts of this new generation of money which has gained so much populartiy that certain countries are now considering creating their own national counterparts, while European Union is regulating the area, which attracts new investors.


Regulation and compliance – what are the latest trends in regulation of crypto markets and what can we expect in the future? Many companies and investment funds are only waiting for the adequate regulations to enter the market, and this is the perfect place to get updated.


Blockchain technology -  Blockchain is spearheading the new digital revolution all over the world, while maintaining a high degree of trust. Latest developments for public and private sectors, industries, healthcare and much more will be presented in this section.


Financial technologies – the future of payment systems is depending on further technological development, and that includes infrastructure systems that serve as platform for them all, as well as apps that we use. Latest developments in this area can be seen on CryptoKonf.

Hands-on Technical Wokshops:


Hands-on blockchain worskshops – conference will feature technical workshops on both days of the conference dedicated to blockchain development, so dev community can have its own separated agenda.

Why is CryptoKonf ideal place to represent your ICO?


Conference will be attended representatives from medium and big tech companies, investment funds, startup accelerators, blockchain hubs, angel investors, venture capitalists who are looking to invest their funds in projects they deem worthy. If you believe that you have what it takes, this is the perfect place to showcase your ICO project.

Special promotion for ICOs:


ICO’s have opportunity for exhibition booth and pay partially or fully with their tokens. This depends on our evaluation of their projects.

Who should attend this conference?


Conference is best suited to investors in new technologies, proffessionals from financial and banking sectors, entrepreneurs, lawyers, accountants, IT proffesionals, auditors... Practically any organisation that uses some form of database, information system or CRM and similar system, and plans to update them in next 5-10 years, or has clients that use them, should have its representative attending this conference.



Official conference language is English, with simutaneous translation to Serbian.


All details can be seen on te official conference website:


We hope to see you there on May 29th and 30th.