Crypto Current Conference


Crypto Current Conference Comes to New Orleans 

Organizers expect more than 300 cryptocurrency and blockchain enthusiasts to attend the Crypto Current Conference two-day conference next year, scheduled for March 14-15th 2019 at the New Orleans Jazz Market. The Crypto Current Conference will highlight phenomenal thought leaders, such as Wayne Marcel and Jacob Pouncey, who specialize in both the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. 

By highlighting interesting cryptocurrency and blockchain topics and projects, our two-day conference will give attendees the opportunity to educate themselves, engage with others, embrace the Laissez Faire of New Orleans and, of course, Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler! The Crypto Current Conference will bridge the gap between people that are new to crypto and thought leaders in the space. In sharing knowledge, resources, and opportunities to connect, the Crypto Current Conference will be a valuable installment into the New Orleans community next year and beyond!

Early bird tickets are on sale now until January 15th, 2019. 

About Crypto Current, LLC.: Crypto Current was founded to give access to information to everyone on current events occurring in cryptocurrency and blockchain in a digestible way. Since its creation, Crypto Current has created content that impacted thousands of people through its podcast, blog, and social media. Crypto Current hosted social MeetUps that have provided the opportunity for people to learn and connect with other locals in their community.