Blockchain Week Rome


June from 25th to 30th
30+ Speakers and 20+ Partners from all over the world

Blockchain Week Rome is the first Italian event dedicated to cryptocurrencies and blockchain (but there will be English Speakers and Sponsons!).
It will be from June 25th to 30th in Rome, but you can choose the days which you want to participate in.
Are you more interested in the Course or in the Summit, or maybe in both? Do you want to take part in the Blockchain Week Rome Awards?

Blockchain Week Rome provide a special 30% discount code for the AMBCrypto lectors:


In the first 3 days of Blockchain Week Rome, from June 25th to 27th, an Intesive Course about cryptocurrencies will take place and give you an Attendance Certificate: 21 hours of training, divides in 6 modules, dedicated to who wants to consolidate his/her knowledge.

The following 3 days, from June 28th to 30th, will be dedicated to conferences, networking, exhibitions, panels and debates. This will be the Blockchain Summit, with guests from the most important companies in the world, such as Binance, Tron and Zcash and, obviously, with Italian country experts.

Among the Speakers:
• Paige Peterson, User Education & Community at Electric Coin Company (Zcash);
• Teck Chia, Director of Binance Labs;
• Tanja Bivic, President of Blockchain Alliance Europe.

If you want some more information, you can write to or visit the official website