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Laatste update

8 feb. 2018

PORN_X - de eerste cryptocurrency voor snelle online betaling, gerealiseerd via een gedecentraliseerde Lightning Network-oplossing DE REVOLUTIE VAN CRYPTO-BETALINGEN
1 mei 2018
30 jun. 2018
100% voltooid
$37 756 804
230% harde dop voltooid
Harde dop 5 000.00 ETH
18 mrt. 2018
31 mrt. 2018
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
Doel 70 000 000.00 USD
pet 21 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 PORNX
    0.4 USD
11 feb. 2018
25 feb. 2018
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
Doel 5 000 000.00 USD
pet 1 500 000.00 USD
  • 1 PORNX
    0.4 USD
Details token
aanvullende details
MVP / Prototype
Platform, cryptogeld, Media, vermaak


We are the PORNX Project team, adore what we do and sincerely believe in the success of our project. Our team consists of experienced financiers, developers of blockchain-protocols, SMM professionals, traders because of what we like competing and impetuous people. That's why we have developed an innovative blockchain platform for online payment of cryptocurrency porn content all over the world. Currently, payment by cryptocurrency has a poor implementation. The first reason for poor implementation is the recording of each transaction in the blockchain system and the long time the transactions are confirmed by the miners. Another reason is the weak network bandwidth is complex and on the kernel level. There are only a few pieces of payment solutions online payment cryptocurrency simple purchases on the Internet, even at the project level. With regard to paying for pornographic content, there is no worthy solution in the world at all. For more than 15 years, the system of online payment by bank cards has not changed, and the market itself suffers from stagnation and lack of innovation. In the classic payment by a bank card, there are a number of drawbacks. All these shortcomings have something in common - centralization. Centralized systems create excessive risks for users. These risks include the use of user data for personal gain, prohibition of regulatory authorities, vulnerability to fraud attacks. Here the blockchain and the PORNX coin ("PORNX") join the game. The PORNX solution is a payment platform that provides users of porn resources around the world with an online payment tool that works through a decentralized blockchain technology and a smart contract. PORNX is created as a decentralized ERC20 token on Ethereum, which will be used to pay pornographic content around the world using Lightning Network technology. Unlike today's payment solutions for the cryptocurrency, PORNX will not be used in the usual Ethereum environment, where commissioners charge the commission for confirmation of transactions. PORNX - will be implemented in the Lightning Network, which will reduce the commission for the transaction and make a payment lightning-fast, comparable to Visa / MasterCard, while remaining anonymous and secure. Clever contracts PORNX and Lightning Network are designed to make payments secure and anonymous, via the mobile X-Wall Wallet device and using QRcode. Now you can pay porn content without fear of stealing your personal data because now you have PORNX. The first cases of using PORNX will be 120 popular pornographic resources around the world, to popularize PORNX and get acquainted with a new cryptocurrency for a wide audience, but PORNX will go far beyond the boundaries of popular porn sites


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<a class = "ul" style = "color: # 476c8e; ​​text-decoration: none;" href = "http: // porno-x.

Technische informatie

TECHNISCHE EENHEID OPLOSSING Bliksem Netwerk is een tweerichtingsnetwerk voor betaalkanalen waarmee u vele transacties kunt uitvoeren zonder elk ervan naar de blockchain te schrijven, d.w.z. om cryptocurrency buiten de lock-up om te wisselen. Het netwerk wordt gedistribueerd en gedecentraliseerd. Het bouwde voort op het mesh-netwerkprincipe. Dit elimineert het probleem van het censureren van transacties en het schenden van de privacy van gebruikers en helpt ook om de selectie van vergelijkende eigenschappen te vermijden - geef een reeks eigenschappen aan waarmee we overeenkomsten en verschillen gaan identificeren. Maak een vergelijking. Denotation voor de interface: Laten we het Lightning Network beschouwen als een betaalsysteem. In dit geval zal de interface zijn: mogelijkheid om betalingen te accepteren; mogelijkheid om betalingen te verzenden; mogelijkheid om accounts aan te maken. Zoek analogen: van de systemen die geschikt kunnen zijn voor een bepaalde interface, kunt u bitcoin, PayPal, banksysteem en andere selecteren. eigenschappen: Denotation voor functies. Laten we de vergelijking van de eigenschappen selecteren die ons kunnen interesseren: Openheid is een functie waarbij systemen van derden deel kunnen uitmaken van het proces voor het verwerken van transacties en het ontvangen van provisies. Deze functie maakt het systeem bestand tegen externe agressors. We doden niet het hele systeem door het knooppunt te verwijderen dat transacties verwerkt. In dit geval betekent een node servers

% naam% Roadmap

  • 4Q 2017

  • November, December 2017
    Creation and technical support of the PORNX token based on ERC20
    November 2017 - March 2018
    Active advertising company PORNX Project
    November, December 2017
    MVP - the design of a decentralized blockchain solution for conducting snap elections.
    Design of an automated exchange system between ERC20-tokens PORNX based on Ethereum and internal tokens
  • 2Q 2017

  • April, 2017
    The beginning of the project
    May, 2017
    Meeting of developers and team selection
    June, 2017
    Formation of the concept and search for technical solutions
  • 1Q 2018

  • January 22, 2018
    Start Bounty Program for technical solution PORNX Project
    February 11, 2018
    Pre-SALE - raising money for an advertising company and continuing the development of a payment system based on the payment of porn content PORNX Project
    March 1, 2018
    Token Sale ICO - collection of money for the creation of a payment system based on Lightning Network for the payment of porn content PORNX Project
  • 3Q 2017

  • July, 2017
    Closed meeting with investors to finance the project
    July-September, 2017
    Signing an agreement with partners to develop a payment system to pay for pornographic content
    July-September, 2017
    Development of the alpha version of the mobile application X-Wall
  • Lees verder
  • 2Q 2018

  • April 2018
    Exit to 2 exchanges for active trading PORNX
    May 2018
    Exit X-Wall Wallet mobile app on Google Market and Apple Store
    June 2018
    Development of the technical part of the payment system based on the Lightning network. Realised of a protocol based on off-chain solutions. Continuation of technical innovation actions for the development nodes running on the main network of the X-Q payment system, in the Lightning Network
    Signing an agreement with the Japanese banking holding to confirm transactions in the international legal field.
  • 4Q 2017

  • November, December, 2017
    Creation and technical support of the PORNX token based on ERC20
    November 2017 - March 2018
    Active advertising company PORNX Project
    November, December 2017
    MVP - the design of a decentralized blockchain solution for conducting snap elections.
    Design of an automated exchange system between ERC20-tokens PORNX based on Ethereum and internal tokens
  • 3Q 2018

  • July - September 2018
    Launching in the mobile application the possibility of exchanging fiat currencies on PORNX
    Development of the concept of the user interface of the payment system, A | B testing of compositional and stylistic solutions, development of adaptability for the most used devices, inclusion of design for visually impaired and people with disabilities.
    Issuance of the alpha version of the payment system, testing of the performance under different load on the data transfer protocols. Creating a self-test, identifying problems with cross-platform, code refactoring.
    Public audit of the project. Presentation at public conferences to promote the project.
  • 1Q 2018

  • January 22, 2018
    Start Bounty Program for technical solution PORNX Project
    February 11, 2018
    Pre-SALE - raising money for an advertising company and continuing the development of a payment system based on the payment of porn content PORNX Project
    March, 1, 2018
    Token Sale ICO - collection of money for the creation of a payment system based on Lightning Network for the payment of porn content PORNX Project
  • 4Q 2018

  • October - December 2018
    Integration with partners and the introduction at the first stage of 8 popular sites for the sale of porn. Namely: the integration of a secure protocol of bilateral exchange, the development of the interface for a specific website, the final testing of the release version and the final introduction to the production version. Work on improving the user part, cross-testing, stress testing and statistics collection for further tasks to improve the project X-Q Pay. (Technical Team 1)
    Regular implementation of X-Q Pay service on other porn sites of partners. Publication of the API for configuring the components of the software solution in public networks and forming a set for such package management systems as npm and pip (Technical Team 2)
    Run on 3 webcam services. Verification of operation, carrying out of transactions, load testing and work with users and autotests, for improvement of stability of work and convenience of the interface. (Technical Team 1)
  • 2Q 2018

  • April, 2018
    Exit to 2 exchanges for active trading PORNX
    May, 2018
    Exit X-Wall Wallet mobile app on Google Market and Apple Store
    June, 2018
    Development of the technical part of the payment system based on the Lightning network. Realised of a protocol based on off-chain solutions. Continuation of technical innovation actions for the development nodes running on mainnet of the X-Q payment system, in the Lightning Network
    Signing an agreement with the Japanese banking holding to confirm transactions in the international legal field.
  • 1Q 2019

  • January - March 2019
    Further launch on the website partners websites is about 65. (Technical team 2)
    The introduction of online porn games on 2 services. Verification of operation, conducting transactions, testing and working with users, to improve the convenience of the payment interface. (Technical Team 1)
    The implementation of the remaining services of porn games estimated to be more than 3000. (Technical team 2)
    Introducing in the stores selling goods for adults and other thematic sites for the sale of intimate goods.
    Introduction to other projects on porn topics.
  • 3Q 2018

  • July - September, 2018
    Launching in the mobile application the possibility of exchanging fiat currencies on PORNX
    Development of the concept of the user interface of the payment system, A | B testing of compositional and stylistic solutions, development of adaptability for the most used devices, inclusion of design for visually impaired and people with disabilities.
    Issuance of the alpha version of the payment system, testing of the performance under different load on the data transfer protocols. Creating a self-test, identifying problems with cross-platform, code refactoring.
    Public audit of the project. Presentation at public conferences to promote the project.
  • 4Q 2018

  • October - December, 2018
    Integration with partners and the introduction at the first stage of 8 popular sites for the sale of porn. Namely: the integration of a secure protocol of bilateral exchange, the development of the interface for a specific website, the final testing of the release version and the final introduction to the production version. Work on improving the user part, cross-testing, stress testing and statistics collection for further tasks to improve the project X-Q Pay. (Technical Team 1)
    Regular implementation of X-Q Pay service on other porn sites of partners. Publication of the API for configuring the components of the software solution in public networks and forming a set for for such package management systems as npm and pip (Technical Team 2)
    Run on 3 webcam services. Verification of operation, carrying out of transactions, load testing and work with users and autotests, for improvement of stability of work and convenience of the interface. (Technical Team 1)
  • 1Q 2019

  • January - March, 2019
    Further launch on the web-site partners web sites is about 65. (Technical team 2)
    The introduction of online porn games on 2 services. Verification of operation, conducting transactions, testing and working with users, to improve the convenience of the payment interface. (Technical Team 1)
    The implementation of the remaining services of porn games, estimated to be more than 3000. (Technical team 2)
    Introducing in the stores selling goods for adults and other thematic sites for the sale of intimate goods.
    Introduction to other projects on porn topics.


geverifieerd 67%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Martin Benson
CEO, Founder
Damian Lerner
Katrin Markhel
Chulwoo Hong
Blockchain Developer
Colleen Rees
Core Developer
Edward Salisburry
Product Manager
David Goldfein
Mobile Developer
Yoshihiro Sugimoto
Blockchain Developer
Jisun Lee


geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team


$37 756 804

Marcello Milteer
community advisor
Max Munk
Marketing Advisor
Lee Hyun-Soo
Hakob Arshakyan
Legal Advisor
Ethan Hutcheson

Voormalige leden

Elijah Arroyo
Product Manager
Julian Fulton
Mobile Developer

PORNX Interviews

Martin Benson
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
we want to implement the technologies of the future in the present
and we will do it
Damian Lerner
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
a huge number of projects were trying
to make a breakthrough in the porn industry
and we are the only ones who can do this
Colleen Rees
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
Core Engineering Software Developer
development of technical solutions
for the mobile application
and a joint XQ-pay system that will make the payment function an instant and convenient
Edward Salisburry
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
our product
this innovation
and their introduction
into everyday life
David Goldfein
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
The technical part in my opinion is very important and I'm glad to be a part of something really big.
We in the PORNX do what we can greatly simplify the implementation of crypto-currencies in everyday life.
Yoshihiro Sugimoto
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
writing smart contracts - Development of mining strategies - Methods for improving network protocols - Mechanisms of anonymization

PORNX Laatste nieuws

5.0 9
ICO Profiel Visie Activiteit potentieel Artikel Team

% name% Reviews


One of the best things about this ICO is that they already have partners. Popular porn websites such as Brazzers and Tiny4k are already ready and willing to implement this system into their sites. This means that as soon as the software is ready to launch, then initial investors could profit big. PornX is solving a lot of problems, and with their mobile wallet systems, there’s no reason why their user base shouldn’t explode this year.

Mass Adoption: PornX already has a good amount of partners. Some of the internet’s best porn sites have already implemented PornX.
Anonymous: All payments are 100% anonymous.
Scam-Proof: When you pay with crypto, you aren’t exposing your credit card details to the wrong people.

Steady: This coin doesn’t have a lot of value for explosive growth. It is a great technology, but it wasn’t designed as a “get rich quick” ICO.
Restricted to the USA: Investors outside of the United States are not allowed to invest, which could limit your profits.

Lees verder
News, reviews

Unlike many similar cryptocurrency platforms, PORNX does not actually have a website but just a link to their online whitepapers. It is unclear where investors can purchase PORNX tokens.

By offering a new payment option for porn consumers PORNX is helping people around the world maintain their privacy when enjoying videos, webcams, and pornographic video games. While cryptocurrency is less common than old-fashioned credit card payments many people may consider trying cryptocurrency due to the privacy it gives them when purchasing porn.

This platform and payment system is a great option for porn lover show want to access porn content in countries where it is illegal. PORNX payments also allow consumers to purchase porn from the United States even while living in Asia. This cryptocurrency platform has millions of potential users due to the stigma around porn and the privacy porn consumers seek to maintain.

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