Pocket Node

Pocket Node

Created using Figma
We firmly believe in supporting cryptocurrencies as they should be, i.e. inclusivity for all participants irrespective of financial standing or technical knowledge. This in mind, why should masternode creation be a complicated process requiring good level computer skills and endless YouTube streams? We think the crypto-ecosystem moves forward only after lowering the barriers to entry. Pocket Node lets you instantly start masternodes and provides the ability to support crypto networks easily. The power is in your pocket.
9 dec. 2019
10 dec. 2019
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
Details token
Geaccepteerde valuta's
Geregistreerd land
aanvullende details

Over Pocket Node

Since Bitcoin’s inception more than ten years ago, cryptocurrencies have evolved dramatically. Proof of work evolved into proof of stake and now hybrid models are all over. For those accustomed to the advanced tech aspects of blockchain, proof of work and proof of stake was common knowledge. For those unaware about coding or blockchain architecture proof of work and stake were foreign languages.

Masternodes fall into the category of Proof of Stake cryptocurrencies. Blockchain and crypto are about mass adoption but the biggest issue plaguing the space is the lack of platforms facilitating mass adoption. Pocket Node set out to change this, the team desires to make mass adoption easy for all users. To achieve our dream the Pocket Node application was not only planned but created.

% naam% Roadmap

  • Q2 2019

  • Pocket Node Live on Android
  • Q3 2019

  • Airdrop to Community Members.
  • Q4 2019

  • Third Round of Coin Listings.
  • Q1 2020

  • Development of Pos Systems with Debit Cord Services.

Pocket Node Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Jake Greenbaum
Shaurya Malwa
Shantanu Bamnavat
Christopher Canavan

Pocket Node Laatste nieuws

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