

Created using Figma
Playmint is a new game development studio, building category-defining games for the web3 era. Building games with player-owned economies, powered by blockchain.
To be announced
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Over Playmint

Based in Brighton, UK, and founded by a team with decades of experience across the industry, Playmint is committed to finding the fun on the cutting edge of blockchain tech and web3 primitives like interoperability and composability.

With a deep sense of curiosity, a desire to do new, hard things, and a commitment to shipping early and often, the team has already released their first title, The Crypt, the world’s first on-chain co-op PvE game.

Playmint are also working on their second title, an on-chain trading game featuring asymmetric gameplay that aims to set a new standard for metaverse experiences.

Playmint is on a mission to build category-defining games for the web 3 era. The team has shipped top games such as Dungeon Keeper 2, Lego Star Wars Battles, and Fall Guys.

Playmint Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

David Amor

Playmint Laatste nieuws

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