

Created using Figma
Pitbull is a auto-staking token that had its ownership renounced and burnt LP given to the community from the beginning of its creation.
No Dev Wallets. No Control Of Contract. No Control of Liquidity. All Burnt and Safe!
  • Markt
    Volume 24H
    24H (prijs)
    24H (volume)
  • DigiFinex
    PIT/USDT % count% maanden geleden
    $ 2.74805E-1
    $ 992.66
  • OKX
    PIT/USDT % count% maanden geleden
    $ 2.73806E-1
    $ 6.838 K
  • CoinEx
    PIT/USDT een jaar geleden
    $ 5.7013E-1
    $ 10.047 K
  • CoinTiger
    PIT/USDT % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 9.79692E-1
    $ 64.884 K
  • Bitrue
    PIT/USDT % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 6.52042E-1
    $ 150.02
  • Bitget
    PIT/USDT % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 9.51775E-1
    $ 339.897 K
    PIT/USDT % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 1.422E-9
    $ 1.813 K
  • BKEX
    PIT/USDT % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 9.98E-1
    $ 3.902 K
  • ApeSwap
    PIT/0XBB4CDB9CBD36B01BD1CBAEBF2DE08D9173BC095C % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 6.41E-1
    $ 30.47
To be announced
aanvullende details

Over Pitbull

Pitbull is a self-staking token that had its ownership renounced and given to the community upon its creation. This decentralization of power has allowed Pitbull to flourish as a 100% community-driven project that receives markedly engaged holders and rapid growth on a daily basis. It has become a unique social experiment in which the investors are integrated into the project both from a community and developmental standpoint.

Released March 17, 2021 on the Binance Smart Chain network, the Pitbull project has been iteratively built and improved upon by volunteers within the community since its inception. Graphic designers, writers, web developers, influencers, marketers, data analysts, translators, and more have contributed their talents to help Pitbull grow into an inspirational model of community-driven success.

With so much progress achieved by its community in such a short amount of time, Pitbull stands as a solid milestone in this progressive, exciting age of the Social Blockchain.

Pitbull Laatste nieuws

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  • Als u denkt dat er problemen of problemen zijn die moeten worden gecorrigeerd voor deze inhoud, of als u uw eigen ICO-project wilt indienen dat wordt vermeld, e-mail ons.
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