PerfectChain Network

PerfectChain Network

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PerfectChain Platform is een nieuwe generatie blockchain-technologie. Het maakt gebruik van een contractuitvoeringsmachine en gedistribueerd staatsbeleid om de Bitcoin- en Ethereum-technologieën te verbeteren door verbeteringen aan te brengen die noodzakelijk zijn voor de acceptatie van bedrijven, met de nadruk op tokenisatie en contractuele overeenkomsten. Waar traditionele blockchains voornamelijk handelen in valuta, is PerfectChain ontworpen om symbolische representatie van alles te ondersteunen, van paspoorten tot instapkaarten, bustickets of taxitarieven; Dit kunnen cadeaubonnen, vouchers of lidmaatschapskaarten voor sportscholen zijn. U kunt een token maken dat uw eigendomsakte vertegenwoordigt, of alleen de sleutels van het huis.
jul., 2018
jul., 2018
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
Details token
Geaccepteerde valuta's
Geregistreerd land
aanvullende details
Platform, Bedrijfsdiensten, Slim contract

Over PerfectChain Network

Perfectchain Network Platform is a new generation of blockchain technology. It uses a contract execution machine and distributed state ledger designed to improve on Bitcoin and Ethereum technologies by delivering improvements that are imperative for business adoption, with an emphasis on tokenization and contractual agreements. Where traditional blockchains transact primarily in currencies, Perfectchain Network is designed to support token representation of everything from passports to boarding passes, bus tickets or taxi fares;they can be gift cards, vouchers, or gym membership cards. You might make a token representing your title deed, or just the keys to the house.

While traditional blockchains record a full trustless ledger of all actions, transactions and their effects on a network (“fat protocol, tiny logic”), Perfectchain Network improves speed and usability by maintaining an directed graph of the verifiable hashes of the output of all actions (“tiny protocol, fat logic”). In other words, instead of stacking blocks to make a single full ledger, each set of changes to a contract is applied by the clients in a separate contract chain (“C-Chains”) to the previous state, and the outcome is vectorized and hashed – only a signed signature of the state of each side-chain gets updated as the new status of the blockchain, discarding the old state and storing the new one. Still, each chain keeps it's own history, and any node with a copy of the transactions can attempt to replay them and verify that the outcome is the same, which ensures validity and fairness in a trusted environment.

In a business-critical derivation from traditional blockchain technology, Perfectchain Network does not rely on untrusted actors from the general public. Nodes in the Perfectchain Network system are owned and operated by our partners; they must be licensed and authorized by Perfectchain Network Corporation. They are trusted, trained, and audited; they provide guarantees of availability, speed, and security. Rather than mining for incentive – a wasteful activity which needlessly consumes gigawatts of power across the globe every hour yielding nothing – instead all nodes are rewarded via transaction fees for their participation in the validation and execution of contracts. The only “work” being done on the machines in the Perfectchain Network cloud is mission-critical data handling and contract execution, and does not require expensive GPU hardware. Sensitive business data is not stored flippantly and unwittingly in unknown reaches of the globe, it is encrypted and regulated by strict organizational security practices (ISO 27001, 27002) making it finally possible for enterprises to trust a blockchain with sensitive or private business processes.

% naam% Roadmap

  • Q3 2018

  • PerfectChain Blockchain first release.
    Mac / Android.
    PNN Tokens via Token Sale.
  • Q4 2018

  • API for apps and blockchains.
    PerfectChain Exchange for tokens.
    PerfectChain Smart Token first release.
    PerfectChain Smart Contracts Templates.
  • Q1 2019

  • PerfectChain Liquidity Ocean.
    PerfectChain Trust & Reputation Score.
    Blockchain Academy.
  • Q2 2019

  • Worldwide Blockchain Association.
    PerfectChain Bank and Cards.
    PerfectChain Appstore Cryptofund for.
    Token Sale PerfectChain.

PerfectChain Network Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Alex Germino
Founder and CEO at
Damir Kervina
Chief Product and Operations Officer
Vlad Panchenko
Chief Financial Officer
Lara Zeidler
Chief Technology Officer
Angela Fan
General marketing
Eric Ang Tze Chuen
Sales Manager


$19 664 829

Miguel Palencia
Chief information officer at Qtum Network
Charlie Shrem
Founder at CryptoIQ | Founder at Bitcoin Foundatio...
Jure Leskovec
Chief Scientist at Pinterest, Professor at Stanfor...
David Steel
CEO EveryoneLinked


geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

85 ICOs

$203 011 546

Simon Cocking
Editor in Chief Irish Tech News | CryptocoinNews 1...

127 ICOs

$667 755 619

Ian Scarffe
Blockchain - ICO Advisor / Consultant / Strategist...

PerfectChain Network Laatste nieuws

5.0 9
ICO Profiel Visie Activiteit potentieel Artikel Team

% name% Reviews

Project strong sides: possibly more improved internal logic than used in Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Project weak sides: founder’s LinkedIn profile is unavailable, team members’ profiles contain no links to project; no clear business model and marketing strategy were presented.

So our position is negative, having some scam signs.

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