Leif Ferreira

About Leif Ferreira
Bitcoin and other cryptocyrrencies? Blockchain? Smart contracts? If you are interested, as I am, in the most exciting and newest technology in the 21st century, then keep reading. I'm Leif Ferreira, since 2014 I'm working directly with this amazing technology. From the protocol to creating services for non-technichal people. After 10 years developing fullstack software, currently I'm using the 110% of my time studying and developing in the most excinting and interesting technology: Blockchain. I'm the founder and CEO of Bit2Me along many other startups. Some of the hightlights are the following: - We have been named the startup of the year by CaixaBank. - We also won Fintech America, a world wide competition organized by Visa in Miami. - We were accelerated by Blockchain Space and Coinsilium. - We have been awarded by Deloitte, GFT and Expansión. - We were invited as advisors by the UK government. - Finalist BBVA Open Talent and CodeN. - We were selected for advice about Blockchain in the European Committee (Brussels, one of most important international summits of Europe in front of politicians and businessmen). - Nominated as Best european Fintech Startup. - Advisor. - Investor. - Talks and Events.
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