Parallel Markets

Parallel Markets

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Parallel Markets is launching the first-ever regulatorily compliant KYC/AML solution for web3: the Parallel Identity Token (PID). Maintaining the principles of decentralized anonymity, the PID token is a non-transferable identity token that lives completely on-chain. It does not store or display any Personal Identifying Information (PII), but does supply necessary details to reassure market participants that their counterparties are not subject to sanctions or pose a risk of fraud. This solution seeks to lead large scale crypto adoption by resolving two major barriers: 1. The lack of accountability and security in Web3; 2. Preserving privacy while interacting across protocols under one personal identity.
To be announced
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Over Parallel Markets

It is notoriously difficult to invest in private assets. Access is limited to those with well-connected personal relationships, and the typical digital experience involves friction-filled investor onboarding and regulatory verifications that lead to immense investor drop-off.

At Parallel Markets we believe that software can fix this. Our service provides an easy solution for companies to authenticate and verify a user’s investor credentials and allows investors to assert profile-level information and qualifications across platforms with a single click. Accredit once, invest everywhere.

Parallel Markets Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Tony Peccatiello
Co-Founder & CEO
Nicholas Goss
Co-Founder & COO
Brian Muller
Co-Founder & CTO
Suzanne Elovic
President & Head of Partnerships

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