Nft paintings

Nft paintings

Created using Figma
NFT Paintings is the first company in the world which offers unique opportunities related to investing in valuable paintings.
So far there have been a lot of serious issues related with painted artwork.
Credibility – every day the owners wonder if the painting found in the attic or hanging over the fireplace is a lost work of Vincent Van Gogh or just a souvenir from a trip abroad.
Valued at over 450 million dollars „Salvator Mundi” has been sold by a previous owner for less than
1000 dollars.
Determining whether the painting which has been put up for sale is in fact a work of art has been an issue so far.
Authenticity – Picasso’s painting called „Les Femmes d’Alger” was valued at 180 million dollars.
13 dec. 2022
23 dec. 2022
100% voltooid
$45 000
37% doel voltooid
Doel 120 000.00 USD
pet 5 000.00 USD
Details token
Totale voorraad
Token Distributie
20% Team
10% TGE, 20% each month after

20% Exchange Listings & Liquidity
20% TGE, 10% unlocked each montch after

12% Strategic Partners & Advisors
10% TGE, 5% unlocked each montch after

15% Company reserves
10% TGE, 10% unlocked each montch after

8% Marketing

5% Private Round
10% TGE, 2% vested weekly

20 % Launchpad
aanvullende details

% naam% Roadmap

  • Q3 2022

  • Vc round pre sale
    Vc round pre sale
    First office
    CEO invest 1 mln usd
    Growing team
  • Q4 2022

  • Launchpad ieo
    Tier 2 exchange listing
    First 16k scanner
    Start producing Nft
    Platform in testing
  • Q1 2023

  • Tier 1 exchange listing
    Second and third office
    Platform integration with open sea and Binance Nft
    Team growing
  • Q2 2023

  • Second and third office tier 1 exchange listing
    Start selling art
    Warehouse in tax free zone
  • Lees verder
  • Q3 2023

  • Sotheby’s integration
    Christie’s art auction integration
    Office in South America
    Office in China

Nft paintings Team

geverifieerd 100%


$45 000

Piotr Zalewski
Adam Wlazly
Art director
Dariusz Kozlowski
Art durector

Nft paintings Interviews

Piotr Zalewski
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I’m ceo so I trying to fit everything together. We have big plans and we have great partners and employees to make this happen
What do you think about idea?
Idea is great I m a big fan of this. We try to connect old art world with new net market. This will be revolution
Adam wlazly
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I’m art director, the most important person in art market of nft paintings. We try to by revolution on market and be a normal part of transaction
What do you think about idea?
Idea is great I m a big fan of this. We try to connect old art world with new net market. This will be revolution
Dariusz kozlowski
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I’m person responsible for development Nft Paintings in world of art. I work with brolgas houses and lot of companies.
What do you think about idea?
Idea is great I m a big fan of this. We try to connect old art world with new net market. This will be revolution

Nft paintings Laatste nieuws

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