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MYKINGDOM is a free P2E game that will send players searching for lost NFTs in an ancient virtual world of great civilizations, combining blockchain's new play-to-earn gaming model, gorgeous visuals, and advanced character customization in an expansive 3D fantasy world, where players can earn crypto as they delve into the Mysteries of the Ancient World.
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Over MyKingdom

The MYKINGDOM Metaverse's thriving economy is supported by a variety of assets (NFTs). In order to fully enjoy the game experience, players are encouraged to stake their MYK tokens and NFTs. Anyone can earn tokens in the Ancient World-inspired cosmos by playing skilfully and contributing to the ecology. Players can use NFTs to fight, explore, gather, stake, buy, and sell land, treasures, cards, and other in-game commodities. The open-world metaverse will let players to create their own kingdoms, decorate them, and invite other players to visit them. With breathtaking visuals, adrenaline-fueled battles, fascinating objectives, and advanced character advancement and customization, the goal is to take P2E gaming to new heights.

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