MUNCH Project

MUNCH Project

Created using Figma
The fastest-growing charity defi project. $2M donated in under a month!
To be announced
aanvullende details

Over MUNCH Project

Take a bite out of traditional finance

Support causes that need you

5% of each transaction is automatically sent to a charity picked by the community.

Profit by holding

Earn passive income with 5% of each transaction distributed to the holders.

Locked liquidity

Unicrypt is used to maintain value and protect the community.

Trustless donations

All transactions are automated and never held in a company wallet.

Community-chosen causes

Our community decides where we make an impact.

Stable assets

All donations are converted to Ethereum (ETH) automatically and at the point of transaction.

% naam% Roadmap

  • 2021 Q2

  • Website V1
    CoinGecko listing
    CoinMarketCap listing
    Contract audit
    Whitepaper V2
    Establish marketing, growth, and operations strategy
    Influencer marketing
    Grow social media and brand phase 1
    Community contests and giveaways
    First PR with charity partner
    First digital advertising campaign
    Binance bridge
    Small surprise
  • 2021 Q3

  • Register legal entity
    Website V2
    Launch governance system and charity voting webapp
    Launch several marketing campaigns
    Corporate partnerships
    Influencer collabs and cameo
    Listing on a top 10 crypto exchange
    Strategic partnerships with major investment channels
    Charity NFT partnerships
    New staking rewards
    Launchpad platform (design phase)
  • 2021 Q4

  • Additional exchange listings
    Launchpad - for social causes
    Launchpad - for new crypto projects
    Charity NFT marketplace be
  • 2022 Q1

  • Launchpad - for individual causes
    Accepting crypto payments/donations as a service - automated wallet setup and partner APIs

MUNCH Project Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Rodrigo Silva
Rafael Cardoso
Technical Lead
Roughan Sass

MUNCH Project Laatste nieuws

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