

Created using Figma
MoneroV fulfills the long overdue desire for a truly anonymous, decentralized, finite peer-to-peer electronic currency. Individuals and businesses can transact securely, reliably and anonymously with low fees using MoneroV.
  • Markt
    Volume 24H
    24H (prijs)
    24H (volume)
  • TradeOgre
    XMV/BTC een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0033
    $ 38.77
  • ViteX
    XMV/BTC % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.3533
    $ 133.78
  • CREX24
    XMV/BTC % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0048
  • Letsdocoinz

Over MoneroV

The MoneroV community looks forward to welcoming users, enthusiasts, and contributors to further enhance the development of MoneroV.

Decentralized peer-to-peer blockchain transaction consensus enables MoneroV to be secure and reliable.

Using lower transaction fees and advanced modification to the core mechanism in the way MoneroV calculates transactions and balances, we are aiming to make MoneroV fully scalable by integrating the MimbleWimble protocol.

MoneroV is truly anonymous and private. Sending and receiving addresses are obfuscated, as well as all amounts being transferred in all transactions. Your identity cannot be linked or traced to a transaction on the MoneroV blockchain.

MoneroV is a private, untraceable, finite and secure cryptocurrency fork of the Monero blockchain. A chain split occurd at block 1564965 when MoneroV miners started to create blocks on the MoneroV network.

The new MoneroV blockchain contains the history of all transaction up until block 1564965 and all Monero coin holders can receive 10x their XMR balance amount as MoneroV coins (XMV) after the fork is completed.

MoneroV is a global open-source project promising to deliver a true private cryptocurrency that scales. MoneroV facilitates the desire to have a truly private and decentralized cryptocurrency that is also quick and easy for everyday use.

MoneroV Laatste nieuws

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