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In Microverse is de naam van de basisbroneenheid Batterij en gebruikt de energie Blemflarck als de circulatiemunteenheid. Alle Microverse-werelden zijn het resultaat van het verbruiken van batterij-energie. Nadat de Microverse-initialisatie is voltooid, wordt de Microverser de initiële rol van het systeem en zodra de gebruiker de batterijen in handen heeft, worden het Microversers, die zullen fungeren als stamcellen in deze nieuwe organisatie. Microversers kunnen met hun eigen ideeën experimenteren, hun eigen faciliteiten creëren, hun eigen bedrijf starten, consumenten en producenten worden, de vrije wil wordt volledig op prijs gesteld in deze nieuwe wereld. Ondertussen, om Blemflarck te produceren, worden mijnwerkers gestemd door Microversers. Als er genoeg Blemflarck is, zal de fabriek verschijnen. Zijn functie zal zijn om de batterij op te laden, activa uit te geven, goederen uit te wisselen en uiteindelijk zal alles in staat zijn om de vrije wil uit te drukken. Of het nu slecht is, om te beslissen wat precies mensen die in dit universum leven, gedefinieerd door Microversers, is niet slecht.
25 aug. 2018
8 okt. 2018
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
  • 1 MORTY
    0.0000137 ETH
Details token
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Over Microverse

Microverse, is the first decentralized autonomous society,  built on blockchain, powered by the energy of which the basic limited resource unit is named Battery, and uses Blemflarck as its circulating currency. Everything in Microverse world is the result of consuming Battery energy. Once Microverse initialization completes, users become Microversers instantly if holding Battery, thus acting as stem cells in this new organization. Microversers can be consumer or producer, starting their own business, forming their own institution, experimenting their own ideas, free will is fully appreciated in this new world. As a starting point, five elements are designed in Microverse. Users can choose to be any of them by draining/burning Battery.

  • Microverser: Anyone can become a Microverser by burning Battery, after which,  a permanent  Microverse resident ID will be assigned.
  • Miner : Miners are responsible for keeping the network alive and secure by mining Blemflarck, i.e., minting Blemflarck. Any microverser can become a miner by draining Battery and attracting votes from Microversers.
  • Mutual Constructor: A Mutual Constructor has the right to vote for members in Citadel. To become a Mutual Constructor, either, burning Battery as a Microverser, or, burning other legit cryptocurrencies (e.g., btc, eth) and get referenced by one Mutual Constructor.
  • Citadel: Citadel has governing rights, which means it is capable of create/define legislation, making financial/economic policies such as mining production and taxation within the Microverse society. A list of Mutual Constructors will be chosen to run Citadel, with a limited term. To become a Citadel member, one needs to attract votes from the Mutual constructors and burn Battery.
  • Factory: Factories are the service providers within Microverse which controlled by smart contract. This could be anything from running a decentralized exchange platform to opening an online store. What can, or cannot, be run, is under the solely definition of Citadel. Blemflarck is paid to build a factory. As a starting point, Battery factory is defined as a place to provide service which can charge Battery or collect Battery.

Microverse is creating a new governing pattern on blockchain. In Microverse, no one has the absolute power to dominate the system, people have to rely on each other to get their best interest. After Microverse mainnet being launched, Microverser will be the first role in the system, miners will be voted from them thereafter to produce Blemflarck. Once there are enough Blemflarck, everyone can deploy factories will start to appear, whose functionalities can be charging Battery, issuing assets, exchanging goods, and all the things once one’s mind is finally able to express its free will. What is or, isn’t, evil, is left to the Citadel to decide, which is defined by the very people living in this universe, the Microversers.

After Jackpot being released, everyone can convert their Morty and Flurbo into Battery. 

Microverse Laatste nieuws

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