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MEGAWEAPON is an industry disrupting, play-to-earn, battle arena game. Join us and compete to win $WEAPON tokens.
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MEGAWEAPON's mission is to become the best play-to-earn PvP battle arena in all of crypto.

We will do this with competitive staking protocols for our native $WEAPON token, expansion and collaboration with other P2E gaming networks to provide additional value to $WEAPON stakers, and community-driven building, development, and offerings such as NFTs and championship awards and payouts.


DEGENERATOR NFT mints will be the first opportunity for players to own a customized MEGAWEAPON playable character, or "Degen". When minting begins, you will be able to select from a wide range of traits, (some limited) including heads, hair, accessories, body/dress, even custom visual and sound effects that play when you are killed in game. Combine them to create your ideal Degen, click "mint", and pay a flat amount, and your customized NFT will be delivered to the associated ERC721 wallet address. All of the $WEAPON collected or market bought during each season or round of DEGENERATOR minting will then be burned forever, deflating the total supply.

MEGAWEAPON Laatste nieuws

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