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Welcome to the new and exciting LemonHaze play to earn trivia game where users earn money for the knowledge they collected over the years.

Lemon is the basic character that will help you play the game and get big rewards.
Gegevens zijn niet beschikbaar
Pre Sale
15 mei 2022
16 mei 2022
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
pet 100.00
Harde dop 170.00
Details token
Totale voorraad
aanvullende details
Platform, Spel

Over LemonHaze

In Lemon Haze Trivia, users can earn rewards by completing rounds, answering questions correctly, and perfecting their scores. Our main objective is to create an environment where users can enjoy learning new facts, testing their skills and earning money on the way.

Our game requires no master’s degree, just general knowledge and a hunger to have more coins in your wallet than when you began!
100 coins? 1000?
The opportunities are endless, and the payoffs are real!

Who can play?
Our game is for everyone who likes playing quiz games, but above all, loves making money. , All you need is a strong desire to learn new things and have fun while doing it. So if you’re in your thirties or fifties, just starting out in life, or are already successful – Lemon Hazes welcomes you! It’s time to get started! The earlier you start, the bigger the potential.

Lemon Haze gives users the opportunity to win BIG rewards with just a few minutes of their time. Then, compete with yourself by checking your score. It’s the perfect way to earn and learn. Lemon Haze offers simple trivia, connect your MetaMask wallet, and start playing!

LemonHaze Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Matthew Donohue
CMO & Co-Founder
Joseph Rodgers
Content Manager
George Windsor
Project Manager

LemonHaze Laatste nieuws

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