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hij KredX DAPP zal Cryptocurrency verbinden met meer dan 2,2 miljard potentiële gebruikers. Een nieuwe gedecentraliseerde private cryptocurrency en digitale portemonnee ontworpen met de eerste keer dat crypto-gebruikers in gedachten zijn. Extra functies zijn onder meer: ​​Gedecentraliseerd sociaal netwerk, meerdere valuta portemonnee, Cryptocurrency Exchange, blockchain / token creatieplatform, e-shop, crypto-kassa, gps-kaart, P2P Marketplace en een gecodeerde instant messenger. Gecreëerd met toekomstige IOT-ontwikkelingen in het achterhoofd, biedt het KredX-team u een onmisbare tool die als uw levenspartner zal dienen en u rechtstreeks naar de toekomst zal verbinden met behulp van een dynamisch, op een platform gebaseerd ecosysteem
Token Sale
4 okt. 2017
4 jan. 2018
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
1.1 K
pet 10 000 000.00 KRT
  • 100 KRT
    5 USD
    ( 4 okt. 2017 — 3 nov. 2017 )
  • 100 KRT
    7.5 USD
    ( 4 nov. 2017 — 3 dec. 2017 )
  • 100 KRT
    10 USD
    ( 4 dec. 2017 — 4 jan. 2018 )
Details token
Geaccepteerde valuta's
Geregistreerd land
aanvullende details

Over KredX ICO

KredX is a Cross-platform decentralized application that will sew together the entire world of Cryptocurrency, plus more, seamlessly across Mobile, Web, and Desktop platforms, without loosing any functionality along the way. Providing its users with a range of essential Cryptocurrency centered features/services. The entire platform will be built upon a brand new Cryptocurrency "Kredits" (KRX) which will be a Git-Forked CryptoNote anonymous currency, acting as the base currency of the platform, and as a Motherchain for all KredX Blockchains.

Upon launch in June 2018 KredX will be providing its Users with:

  • A Unique Decentralized Social Network allowing Users to connect and socialize with each other using a full range of content in an uncensored, libertarian fashion.
  • A Multi-Currency Wallet with optionally linked Visa Card offering storage of all major and User Created / Voted Cryptocurrencies.
  • A Fully Functional Cryptocurrency Exchange listing all Currencies supported by the Wallet and allowing Users to trade and mimic other user patterns via CopyTrading.
  • A Miner that rewards Users with a lifetime supply of Kredits hashrate resulting in free KRX simply for using the platform and acting as a Network Node.
  • A Blockchain creation platform allowing Users to fork KRX into their own new Cryptocurrencies and create their own Tokens/Blockchains for a range of needs.
  • A GPS Location Based Interactive Map displaying other Users, as well as Local Businesses, Professional Services, and Traders that accept Cryptocurrency.
  • A Multi-Ring Signature Blockchain based Encrypted Instant Messenger allowing Users full peer-to-peer confirmed secure messaging.

Having all these features together will save you time and money by you not having to hold multiple accounts with multiple different Cryptocurrency platforms to get your business done. There's also the fact that every aspect of KredX fully augments all other aspects creating a platform where all features are mutually supportive achieving a new level of functionality and User convenience.

Kredits is fully equipped with Ring signature Technology and Key images to be a totally private, anonymous, and analysis resistant Cryptocurrency. Kredits will be employing a strict 1 CPU 1 Vote Egalitarian proof of work system aimed at supporting and ensuring a fair, balanced, decentralized network. The Total supply will be reached after the global mining pool is setup that will group all User power collectively to create unrivaled hash power. All Block Rewards, Block Difficulties, and Block Sizes are scale-able and responsive to the currency Network Hashrates and Difficulty levels both short term and long term creating a Currency that is shaped by its User's input.


Gedecentraliseerd sociaal medianetwerk
Multi-valuta portemonnee met kaart
Cryptocurrency Exchange
Gebruiker-belonende mobiele mijnwerker
Blockchain Creation Platform
Op GPS-locaties gebaseerde kaart
Gecodeerde Instant Messenger
Volledig gedecentraliseerde toepassing

Technische informatie

Technische details: & nbsp; ERC-20 gebaseerd token. De broncode: & nbsp; De broncode is beschikbaar op GitHub Bewijs van ontwikkelaar: & nbsp; Openbaar team

% naam% Roadmap

  • 03/10/2017 - ICO BEGINT

  • De Token Sale is live!
  • 30-11-2017 - KRT TOKENS

  • De KRX Blockchain zal live zijn en je kunt KRT voor KRX uitwisselen.
  • 03/01/2018 - ICO SLUITINGEN

  • ICO eindigt op 03/01/2018 of wanneer tokens zijn uitverkocht.
  • 03/06/2018 - KREDX APP

  • Download de app en wissel KRT in voor KRX.

KredX ICO Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Daniele Ronchese
Head of Blockchain Development
Gabriele Ronchese
Head of Marketing
David Rees
Head of Sales
Neeraj Pandey
Head of App Development
Ankit Agrawal
Sr. Development Team Leader
Adarsh Tripathi
Brand Manager
Reetesh Gupta
Sr. PHP Developer
Ashish Agarwal
Digital Marketing Manager
Aman Bhaskar
Sr. Java Developer
Aman Mishra
Sr. PHP Developer
Deepak Singh
Sr. HTML Developer
Rahul Jaiswal
WordPress Developer
Nikhil Singh
Sr. Web Designer
Prashant Singh
Sr. Android Developer
Rohit Pandey
Sr. Graphics Designer

KredX ICO Laatste nieuws

5.0 12
ICO Profiel Visie Activiteit potentieel Artikel Team

% name% Reviews

KredX is a multi-featured blockchain platform that aims to roll a number of different blockchain services into one platform. It includes social networking, an encrypted messenger, a cryptocurrency exchange, and an in-app mobile mining system.

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