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Laatste update

28 jul. 2018

Het Jullar-project - de wereldwijde uitroeiing van Shitcoins.
24 jan. 2019
13 jan. 2020
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
23.7 K
  • 1 JUL
    0.00284 ETH
10 nov. 2018
24 dec. 2018
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
23.7 K
  • 1 JUL
    0.00124 ETH
20 sep. 2018
13 okt. 2018
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
23.7 K
  • 1 JUL
    0.00036 ETH
20 aug. 2018
8 sep. 2018
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
23.7 K
  • 1 JUL
    0.00021 ETH
Details token
Totale voorraad
1 000 000 000
Token Distributie
Partners 1% - 10 000 000 JUL
Bounty 2% - 20 000 000 JUL
Team 2% - 20 000 000 JUL
Super Pre-ICO 2% - 20 000 000 JUL
Pre-ICO 8% - 80 000 000 JUL
ICO l 15% - 150 000 000 JUL
ICO ll 30% - 300 000 000 JUL
ICO lll Reserve 40% - 400 000 000 JUL
Geaccepteerde valuta's
Geregistreerde bedrijfsnaam
Geregistreerd land
Bedrijf opgericht
Apr 27, 2018
Super PreICO: 1 JUL = 0.000085 ETH
PreICO, Duration 20 days : 1 JUL = 0.00021 ETH
ICO I, Duration 33 days : 1 JUL = 0.00062 ETH
ICO II, Duration 45 days : 1 JUL = 0.00124 ETH
ICO III - I, Duration 270 days : 1 JUL = 0.00284 ETH
ICO III - II, Duration 90 days: 1 JUL = 0.01219 ETH
aanvullende details
Ja ,

Over Jullar

Het JULLAR-project is een app of een gedecentraliseerde toepassing die via slimme contracten interageert met de ethereum-blockchain. De & laquo; JULLAR & raquo; project wordt gepresenteerd als een ecosysteem van relaties en motivatie, creatie van compensatieketens en beloning van de belegger, betrokken bij de ontwikkeling van gedecentraliseerde applicaties, het creëren van gedecentraliseerde diensten en blockchain-alternatieven.


Het JULLAR-project is een uniek platform ter wereld voor de liquidatie van Shitcoins, een platform voor het houden van toernooien voor eigenaren van cryptocurrency, blockchain-technologieën van open ICO-projectcontroles en interactie met een breed publiek van blockchain-community.

Technische informatie

Het JULLAR-project bestaat uit meer dan 100 unieke onsterfelijke slimme contracten die met elkaar zijn verbonden op de werkende platforms van ons project.

% naam% Roadmap

  • 2017 Q2

  • Market analysis
  • 2017 Q4

  • Beginning of development of GES and BJJ
  • 2018 Q2

  • Platform testing Token release
  • 2018 Q3

  • Start Pre-ICO Launch of platforms Beginning of ISJ development
  • Lees verder
  • 2018 Q3

  • Start ICO l Listing +10 SHTC
  • 2018 Q3

  • Start ICO ll Listing +10 SHTC Extension of BJJ functionality
  • 2018 Q4

  • Start ICO lll Reserve Launch of ISJ Listing +10 SHTC
  • 2019 Q1

  • Attraction of the best specialists Architecture development of JULLAR blockchain
  • 2019 Q3

  • Jullar blockchain presentation
  • 2019 Q4

  • Completion of ICO Summit "World Digital Heritage"
  • 2020 Q2

  • The launch of the alpha version of JULLAR blockchain
  • 2020 Q3

  • Token transfer JUL Ethereum => JULLAR blockchain
  • 2020 Q4

  • Platform transfer JULLAR Ethereum => JULLAR blockchain
  • 2022 Q1

  • Start of the "World Digital Heritage"

Jullar Team

geverifieerd 100%

Alexey Morozov
Gaziali Kurbanov

Jullar Interviews

Alexey Morozov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My name is Alexey Morozov. I am one of the owner and Manager of the project JULLAR, as well as the developer of the idea of the global eradication of Shitcoins. The JULLAR project existed as an idea 10 months ago, now it is a full-fledged application offering a unique service for cryptocurrency owners. To analyze the work of the developed platforms is not long in coming, we will strictly comply with the obligations of the road map of our project.
Before implementing and releasing the JULLAR project for evaluation to the whole world, everything was thought out and realized. The blockchain JULLAR platform has been developed for the tournament for crypto investors, which is able to attract more than 5 000 000 unique users and at least 100 million additional transactions per month on the Ethereum blockchain, allowing to increase the capitalization of the JULLAR project. We donate a share of the income from all working platforms of the project for realization of the main idea of the global eradication of Shitcoins.
The global eradication of Shitcoins platform is also being tested and is preparing to enter the world arena. We do not collect money to distribute, we are going to force using the collected funds to unite the community into a huge machine for the implementation of the plans of the JULLAR company, and in this case the victory of our community, not only those who benefited from the exchange of Shitcoins for Ethereum, but also those who believed in buying JUL tokens, especially at the beginning of the JULLAR project.
I can talk for a long time about the psychology of this project, about hidden mutually beneficial aspects for the entire community of cryptocurrency owners, from individuals and creators of cryptocurrencies, to institutional investors and venture funds. The world's first official company is able to establish the burning of cryptocurrency and partial, and possibly full return of the money spent in the cryptocurrency is not able to increase the income of its owners.
Gaziali Kurbanov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My name is Gaziali, founder and developer of the JULLAR project.

I am 24 years old, at the age of 15 I got interested in programming, and now I can not imagine my life without this fascinating occupation, at the moment I have more than 25,000 hours of practical work. I will not distract you with my stories, all products that are presented to you, developed by me personally, so all the criticism for development is for me personally. Write to us on bitcointalk, with pleasure I will answer all questions. The JULLAR project is designed as a decentralized application that interacts with blockchain Ethereum.

Each interaction of the User on the platforms "The global eradication of Shitcoins" and "Blockchain Joust Jullar", under the control of blockchain Ethereum, the interference of third-party programs and the human factor is not possible, more than 50 immortal smart contracts serve the project, at this stage it is planned to create at least 500 immortal smart contracts capable of interacting with each other.

We just have to watch the work processes and verify the correctness of the programmed functions, monitor the safety and security of the interaction processes.

P.S. Far from many people disclose the truth of the blockchain of technologies, and the one who knew it will never tell the truth. GaziAli

Jullar Laatste nieuws

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