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Laatste update

16 apr. 2019

INLOCK CRYPTO - ONTGRENDEL CONTANT GELD - Krijg toegang tot de koopkracht van uw cryptocurrencies zonder ze te verkopen. INLOCK is een uitleenplatform dat houders van cryptocurrency in staat stelt kortetermijnliquiditeitsproblemen te beheren door een lening aan te gaan, waarbij hun bestaande cryptocurrencies als onderpand worden gebruikt. De krediettransacties worden rechtstreeks tussen de twee partijen tot stand gebracht. INLOCK treedt slechts op als tussenpersoon om de voorwaarden van de overeenkomst vast te leggen. Deze voorwaarden zijn vastgelegd in een slim contract, waardoor elk kredietcontract tussen partijen onveranderbaar en onmogelijk te manipuleren is. Inlock (ILK) is een op ethereum gebaseerd token dat wordt gebruikt bij het maken van een uitleencontract.
  • Markt
    Volume 24H
    24H (prijs)
    24H (volume)
  • Liquid
    ILK/ETH % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0076
    $ 726.86
  • Liquid
    ILK/BTC % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0079
    $ 2.94
  • P2B
    ILK/ETH % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0054
    $ 537.35
  • Uniswap (v3)
    ILK/ETH % count% een jaar geleden
Public Sale
15 sep. 2018
12 dec. 2018
100% voltooid
$13 475 000
2.7 K
89% doel voltooid
Doel 15 000 000.00 USD
pet 27 500 000.00 USD
  • 1 ILK
    0.01 USD
Details token
Totale voorraad
4 400 000 000
Token Distributie
100 ILK = $1

Public Sale - 44%
Private sale - 31%
Founders and Team - 10%
Advisors - 10%
Reserved for Marketing - 5%
Geaccepteerde valuta's
Min. Bijdrage
Geregistreerde bedrijfsnaam
Geregistreerd land
Bedrijf opgericht
Mar 11, 2018
Round 1 - 17%
Round 2 - 12%
Round 3 - 9%
Round 4 - 2%
aanvullende details
MVP / Prototype
Ja , van Aug 1, 2018 tot Oct 12, 2018
Beperkte landen
Platform, Bedrijfsdiensten


One service in particular which is a driving force of every economy is lending. The increasing number of cryptocurrency owners do not only see cryptocurrencies as a way to achieve short-term gains, but as a long term investment, a vision. However, the wealth stored in cryptocurrencies is not liquid; it can onlybe leveraged with a high levelofrisk and associated costs. Cryptocurrencies sold in orderto finance a temporary liquidity problem can often be bought back at a significant loss. Due to these risks and in the absence of a better option these assets remain stored in cryptowallets and rarelyused.

Our goal is to connect people who already own cryptocurrencies, but have been unable to eectively utilize them, to those who want to benefit from the profit generated by cryptocurrencies, while avoiding the high risk that often characterizes crypto markets. Over the past year we have received numerous requests from both camps, and we are pleased to announce that we will soon release a platform that provides mutually beneficial solutions forboth parties.

INLOCK is a lending platform which enables cryptocurrency holders to manage short term liquidity problems by taking out a loan, using their existing cryptocurrencies as collateral. Lenders wishing to oera loan can do so - with the appropriate permits - risk-free to those in need. Due to the fact that collateral can be exchanged into FIAT currency immediately, the risks involved forthe lenderparty are almost identicalto a bank deposit while earning higher interest rates. Credit transactions are established between the two parties directly, while our service as an intermediary ensures that the parameters of the agreement are formally recorded. Each of these terms is included in a smart contract, ensuring that every credit contract between the parties is irrefutableand impossible to manipulate.

Borrowers are able to set theirown conditions inoursystem interms ofamount and duration according to their needs. In addition, the level ofrisk taking for exchange rate fluctuations is customizable. The process is fast and seamless and there is no need for additional credit assessment, since the borrower provides the collateral, oering rapid and flexible convertibility. Our platform enables institutions to enter new markets which have been out of their reach, or else additional costs have prevented them from entering the market as lenders. The lending process requires a similar level of AML/KYC adherence similar to traditional lending.



Inlock helpt gebruikers hun crypto te behouden en toegang te krijgen tot hun koopkracht door bijna onmiddellijk fiat-leningen af ​​te sluiten met crypto-onderpand. Deze digitale activa die worden verkocht om een ​​tijdelijk liquiditeitsprobleem te financieren, kunnen vaak slechts met een aanzienlijk verlies worden teruggenomen.


Leners en uitleners kunnen leningen met flexibele rentetarieven en variabele voorwaarden met betrekking tot de duur van de lening en het gestorte bedrag volledig aanpassen. Geen controle van de kredietscore vereist, omdat alle leningen 100% + collateralized zijn door crypto-activa. Onderpandmanagers houden actief toezicht op de actuele waarde van het onderpand om de kredietverstrekker volledige zekerheid te bieden.


Na succesvolle aflossing van de lening, kunnen kredietnemers nog steeds de winst op hun cryptocurrencies herkennen als de wisselkoersen tijdens de contractperiode stijgen. Exclusief rentebetalingen betalen INLOCK-platformgebruikers alle kosten in ILK-tokens. Het ILK-token speelt dus een integraal onderdeel van het INLOCK-ecosysteem. ILK-tokens kunnen direct vanaf het platform of tijdens de multi-fase token-verkoop worden gekocht.

& nbsp;

% naam% Roadmap

  • Q4/2018 (Technology)

  • ➠ Coverage resupply option
    ➠ Portfolio contracts: store a combination of cryptocurrencies within one contract to mitigate short term price fluctuations). Portfolio contracts could contain 'stable coins' to further mitigate the risks of contract termination in case of margin call.
    ➠ Multilingual support for: Japanese, Chinese, South Korean
  • Q4/2018 (Business)

  • ➠ Open head-office for INLOCK business development for the LATAM region in order to provide seamless service.
    ➠ Strategic partnership with LATAM based microlending providers. Obtain legal license for LATAM region.
    ➠Get necessary certificates for INLOCK platform to act as regulatory accepted Third Party Payment provider(PSD2-TPP) in the European Region.
    ➠ Strategic partnership with biggest screen scraping service providers to extend our payment management.
    ➠ Design the legal framework of cryptocurrency backed p2p lending in cooperation with authorities in order to extend the functionality of INLOCK, as it was designed to be able to operate as p2p platform, as soon as the regulatory environment allows it.
    ➠ Build up a complete PSD2 infrastructure to access all European banking services to be used as payment provider service
  • Q1/2019 (Technology)

  • ➠ Mobile app development for IOS and Android in order to provide our users access to their balance and contract management options from their mobile devices, including lending with full functionality.
    ➠ Adding new functionalities for portfolio contract termination options: drop order, smart drop order.
    ➠ Implementing the layer-2 payments channels (ex.: lightning network) rental service.
  • Q1/2019 (Business)

  • ➠ Open head-office for INLOCK business development forthe USA + Canada region in order to provide seamless service.
    ➠ Strategic partnership with US and EU based microlending providers to provide access to the INLOCK platform thus increasing the user bases for both ventures.
    ➠ To establish Strategic partnership with most popular stable coin solution providers to integrate these solutions within the INLOCK platform.
    ➠ To design the business processes in order to allow customers (both lenders and borrowers) to establish API connections to the INLOCK platform.
  • Lees verder
  • Q3/2019 (Technology)

  • ➠ Adding the exchange module which allows users to near-instant swap between cryptocurrencies
    ➠ Introducing the fee market: essentially the fee market allows potential borrowers to increase the motivation of finding a lending partner for their contract proposition sooner.
    ➠ Adding the next pool of cryptocurrencies: IOTA+ 2 additional based on customer demand.
    ➠ Advanced contract details to provide credit rating for lenders to help evaluate loan requests. (contract termination likelihood and historical performance of the Borrower).
    ➠ API release for automatic contract offer creation for lenders.
    ➠ Multilingual support for: Spanish, Russian, German.
  • Q3/2019 (Business)

  • ➠ Open head-office for INLOCK business development for the Asian region in order to provide seamless service.
    ➠ Strategic partnership with Asian based microlending providers. Obtain legal license for Asian region.
    ➠ Get necessary certificates for INLOCK platform to act as regulatory accepted Third Party Payment provider (PSD2-TPP) in European region.
    ➠ Strategic partnership with biggest screen scraping service providers to extend our payment management.
    ➠ Design the legal framework of cryptocurrency backed p2p lending in cooperation with authorities in order to extend the functionality of INLOCK, as it was designed to be able to operate as p2p platform, as soon as the regulatory environment allows it.
    ➠ Build up a complete PSD2 infrastructure to access all European banking services to be used as payment provider service.
  • Q4/2019 (Technology)

  • ➠ Introducing credit swap; a second level market where the lender community will be able to exchange running contracts.
    ➠ Prediction AI to predict the termination overhead dynamically to assist platform users in selecting potentially safe margin call points
    ➠ Adding the next pool of cryptocurrencies: ZCASH+ 2 additional based on customer demand.
    ➠ Multilingual support for additional languages.
  • Q4/2019 (Business)

  • ➠ Obtain the necessary licenses for INLOCK to be able to collect FIAT deposits as a form of savings account for users.
    ➠ Strategic partnership with biggest - non cryptocurrency, collateral based - peer-to-peer lending platforms.
  • Q1/2020 Layer 2 Rental Service

  • Adding the lightning network module: in practice this means that if the user has any free assets available within the balance the
    user will be earning passive income constantly
    Implementing atomic swap functionality.

INLOCK materialen

Deelname aan evenementen


geverifieerd 100%

Csaba Csabai
Co-founder / CEO.
Peter Gergő
Co-founder / CMO
Dr. György Cseh
Peter Tamas Turcsan
Krisztián Dobó
UX & Frontend expert
Attila Kovács
Enterprise Business Architect
Ananda Parrott
Head of external communications
Viktória Kazár
Audit & Compliance
Andor "ifa" Rajci
Smart Contract Developer
Peter Angyal
Blockchain Token Specialist
Gabor Meiszterics
Blockchain Software Architect


geverifieerd 100%

10 ICOs

$20 570 237

Mate Tokay
Business Advisor
Zsolt Gilányi
Monetary Theory Expert


$13 475 000

David Sabo
Token Advisor
Antal Károlyi
Token Architect


$13 810 395

Norbert Rádoki
Media Advisor
Allen Scott
Media advisor


$13 475 000

Mikk Maal
Legal Advisor

Voormalige leden

Benedict Bánáthy
Balazs Vegvari
Blockchain partnerships strategist

INLOCK Interviews

Mate Tokay
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I have advised a handful of ICO projects already, my expertise are:

Strategic planning
PR and marketing campaigns
Community building
Business advisory
What do you think about idea?
Crypto backed loans are very much needed and i am 100% sure that it will be a really popular service.
Csaba Csabai
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm the founder and general manager (CEO) of the INLOCK project. My daily tasks to manage the ICO preparation and facilitate the application development parallel.
Peter Gergő
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I think what we do at Inlock, is a great solution to a real-life problem affecting the majority of cryptocurrency owners.
Benedict Bánáthy
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
INLOCK is a unique gateway between traditional finance and the emerging cryptofinancial sector. The immense pontentials of this new industry will remain hidden as long as we don't attract the already estabilished institutional players.
dr. György Cseh
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Coming from the banking sector I have a deep understanding of how to produce a solution which satisfies the needs of many while being financially feasible.
Peter Tamas Turcsan
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm the strategist of the team. I have 25+ years experience of journalism. More then 10 years in Startup scene.
Krisztián Dobó
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am responsible for the complete JAMstack development of the INLOCK project. Frontend development of the MVP demo, incorporating all the APIs provided by the backend, responsive site building tasks and other programming gimmicks.
Attila Kovács
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I think its a well developed idea and nice execution.
Ananda Parrott
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
INLOCK provides a much needed solution to a very real problem.
Viktória Kazár
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
We at INLOCK are able to provide another utility to cryptocurrencies that enable long-term investors to utilize their digital assets while they keep on hodling.
Andor "iFA" Rajci
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I think the market competition is what makes this project unique, it helps solutions to develop by themselves to be more and more effective continously. Therefore have coded the project required smart contract.
Peter Angyal
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
INLOCK provides a great solution to a gateway between the crypto and fiat world. Unfortunately when handling fiat some centralization is inevitable. I work hard to design the roles and processes in the platform to be as decentralized as possible.
Gabor Meiszterics
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I think INLOCK is filling a market gap and able to solve various problems of crypto owners, especially HODLERS. As a software architect, I keep my eyes on our processes to ensure the best quality.
Zsolt Gilányi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I believe in market competition: it lets complex systems evolve naturally to be more efficient and fast.
David Sabo
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I've been helping Inlock from the get go in structuring and designing both their token and their token sale.
Antal Károlyi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I advise INLOCK on mathematical aspects of the ILK ecosystem.

The project is run by an experienced and extremely dedicated management team.

The platform will cater a hugely underserved need, serving the cryptocurrency community as a whole.
Norbert Rádoki
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Inlock solves a real problem in the cryptocurrency industry. I simply believe that this service will expand Bitcoin's ecosystem required for mass adoption.
Allen Scott
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Straight and to the point. Get cash for bitcoin collateral that's returned after repayment. Useful for mining operators, risk-averse businesses and what, in my opinion, will become a best practice in this industry for years to come.
Mikk Maal
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
We need more projects like Inlock that are solving real problems.

INLOCK Laatste nieuws

$ 0.0085
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
Volume 24h:
$ 2.013 K
Circ. Supply:
ICO profit
X 0.8479
ICO Price~$0.0100

% name% Reviews

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

INLOCK is a lending platform which enables cryptocurrency holders to manage short-term liquidity problems by taking out loans using their existing assets as collateral.


  1. The platform through the use of ILK tokens  makes the lending process fast and seamless hence eliminating the need for additional credit checks  as the borrower provides collateral which offers rapid and flexible convertibility
  2. The platform is highly secure for the users with the associated risks involved with the lenders  are almost similar to a bank deposit  but with higher interest rates and profit potential
  3. The platform enables the borrowers to set their own  conditions such as the  amount and lock-in period based on their needs  and  are able to  customize the risk level for the exchange rate fluctuations making the platform flexible
  4. The platform operates with a strong cooperation with the regulators  in each region creating  a transparent and fair environment for the users
  5. The platform involves  Peer-to-Peer (P2P) transactions  that take place between the users directly  without any intermediary making the platform use affordable
  6. The platform  team involved in the project is adequate  with a credible know-how on the use of cryptocurrency and  have the necessary experience for the project implementation
  7. The platform whitepaper is elaborate  with a key application of the ILK tokens to enable easy access to loans through the use of cryptocurrency


  1. The platform amount raised by the ILK tokens during its pre-sale is not highlighted in the whitepaper
  2. The platform whitepaper is unavailable in other languages leading to a restricted use of the ILT tokens across several areas


  1. The platform should involve internationally qualified translators to help in creating the whitepaper in other languages for adequate use of the ILT tokens across the globe
  2. The platform amount raised during the pre-sale of the ILT tokens should be highlighted in the whitepaper to enable the users  to easily determine the suitability of the tokens


The platform use creates a conducive peer-to-peer lending environment enabling the users to obtain easy financial assistance through the use of cryptocurrency making the project viable. I would therefore invest in it.

Lees verder
Jeremy Khoo
Group CEO | Blockchain Entrepreneur | VeChain ICO Partner | Fund Partner | Exchange Founder |

Solid team and a strong product riding on the blockchain. This may be important for use and solve a big liquidity issue today. Will follow this closely.

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  • Deze informatie is geen suggestie of advies over beleggen in ICO-financiering. Onderzoek de relevante informatie zelf grondig en besluit over ICO-deelname.
  • Als u denkt dat er problemen of problemen zijn die moeten worden gecorrigeerd voor deze inhoud, of als u uw eigen ICO-project wilt indienen dat wordt vermeld, e-mail ons.
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