Nick Sullivan

CTO at Good Money, Co-Founder of Upward Spirals Foundation
Projects Raised
United States
About Nick Sullivan
Nick Sullivan drives technology development. As a founder of three companies, and engineering leadership at three others, he understands what it takes to build top-quality technology teams that accomplish the goals of the business. Nick has created tens of millions of dollars’ worth of value at multiple companies, driven by an insatiable appetite for getting things done. Nick accelerates the velocity of teams with sound decision making, excellent software development, management practices, and cultural engineering to keep teams happy and motivated. Over the years, Nick's primary focus has been on Web-based product development, specializing in JavaScript (including Node.js), Python, Continuous Integration, Open Source, Django, Cloud, Linux, MySQL, scaling Web applications, Caching, HTTP, front-end performance, geographic tools, text search, PHP, Texis, and company architecture. Nick gives back to the entrepreneurial community by helping to run SFJS (the world’s largest JavaScript Meetup), participating in 106 Miles, mentoring and tutoring startups through 500 Startups and Plug and Play Tech Center, as well as advising multiple startups. With his investor hat on in the Bitcoin community, Nick is an active partner in the largest Bitcoin syndicate on AngelList.
Associated ICOs