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HaloDAO protocol brings the DeFi and next generation crypto payment systems to Asia by partnering with on and off ramps to build utility for local stablecoins
  • Markt
    Volume 24H
    24H (prijs)
    24H (volume)
  • AscendEX (BitMax)
    RNBW/USDT % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0043
    $ 56.67
    RNBW/USDT % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0268
    $ 5.37
To be announced
Details token
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Over HaloDAO

HaloDAO is a stablecoin marketplace built to facilitate a stablecoin optimised automated market maker to exchange between Asian asset-backed stablecoins and synthetics, a lending market to generate yield for local currency farming and the minting of synthetics pegged to various Asian currencies. This regional protocol is primarily developed for the Southeast Asian region, home to 655 million people.

We aim to create a foundational layer for the Southeast Asian digital economy by;

  1. Building a stablecoin optimized AMM that efficiently facilitates swaps and minimizes slippage between differently priced stablecoins (whereas Curve is only optimised for similarly priced tokens)

  2. Bootstrapping a lending market, similar to Compound and Aave that enables a foundational money lego to generate local currency derived yield off of permissionless lending and borrowing

  3. Collateralising USD pegged asset back stablecoins as collateral to mint synthetic local stablecoins, relying on the UMA Protocol for their priceless financial contracts and optimistic oracle services.

HaloDAO Laatste nieuws

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