Blood Vessels

Blood Vessels

Role-playing (RPG)

Blood Vessels is an interactive NFT experience with elements of social gaming & tabletop roleplaying, where NFT owners help create an ongoing community-driven narrative.

Each NFT is a vampire, mutated by a strange virus, with special characteristics & unique powers. Each NFT vampire contains character attributes & skills used to play the game and interact with the social elements of the community.

Set against the backdrop of a lost piece of the 1890s, Blood Vessels explores a brave new world where NFT owners participate directly in shaping the future to come. NFT owners will help decide the development of new and exciting content by joining factions, participating in Discord game spaces, and voting on the fate of their kind.


Blood Vessels is a project developed by experienced video game developers who have a deep love and respect for traditional tabletop roleplaying games, old school multi-user domain games, and text-based narrative games.

We want to take the traditional pen-and-paper roleplaying game and bring it into the future by bringing NFT-based characters into the Discord digital space, where each player owns their character and can interact through them in the Blood Vessels universe.

We want to create a living experience where player interactions don’t just change the local state, but drive the meta-narrative of development. Where creative approaches to problems generate new options for future players and individual and group player decisions drive story arcs and scenarios.

Players have this kind of agency when playing traditional tabletop roleplaying games. We want Blood Vessels players to have that same control, collectively, through interacting with bot-driven storytelling mechanics.


Our goal is to create a unique community experience by implementing tabletop game mechanics into our Discord server through a fully interactive bot, where players can utilize their owned NFTs to add permanence and value.

We will use the new bot-friendly Discord interface to leverage technology to blur the lines between automated and live role-playing moderation.

Players will have the opportunity to engage in character-driven storytelling through a variety of community roleplaying styles and explore the Blood Vessels universe. They will be able to participate and interact with other players with the help of both fully automated bot-moderated rooms on Discord and with live play experiences.

Each NFT is generated with art attributes as well as character attributes, such as skills, powers, and abilities. Our gameplay features a special “hunger” mechanic that fuels these powers & abilities, and these attributes are used in conjunction with our custom-built Discord bot to interact with the game.

Future development includes utilizing NFT ownership to build factions and participate in voting mechanics that allow players to choose the content & gaming materials that we create next.