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Game Boy is a new generation GameFi platform developed and operated by Monster Labs.
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Over GameBoy

  • GameBoy is a GameFi platform developed and operated by Monster Labs (a platform laboratory under Monster Games Studio), aiming to provide a high-quality service to game developers and players.
  •   Building creative and energetic game communities on our platform can help more excellent games be exposed to players.
  •   GameBoy combines games and finance. Players are welcome to join our community to experience different games compared with traditional ones. The excitement from both the gameplay and NFT incomes would be simutaneously achieved.


  • GameBoy has the dual identities of both game developer and game aggregation platform. In addition to the games developed independently by the GameBoy game studio, the platform will also attract other game manufacturers to launch their games.
  •   GameBoy will subsequently generate standardized encryption toolkits, NFT libraries, and wallets so that other game developers can integrate their games into the platform and quickly join the GameBoy ecosystem.

  • $GAMEBOY is a platform governance token.
  •   $GAMEBOY will serve as the metaverse pass and enjoy the GameBoy ecosystem's rights and value.
  •   Players can get $GAMEBOY through the discovery of the GameBoy platform.
  •   The consumption of in-game purchases with $GAMEBOY is irreversible, which means that the total amount of $GAMEBOY will gradually decrease, and its value will continue to increase.

GameBoy Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Maximilian Mai
Ede Hofmann
Jack Tang

GameBoy Laatste nieuws

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