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Laatste update

8 jan. 2022

Footbopoly is the first football DeFi and NFT-based investment platform where you can buy NFT football cards and enjoy your rewards along with the other features.
Public sale
1 feb. 2022
15 feb. 2022
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
Doel 300 000.00 USD
  • 1 FOOT
    0.04 USD
Details token
Totale voorraad
aanvullende details
Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain

Over Footbopoly

Build your investment strategy based on virtual football asset purchasing.

Our Fully automated Open Sourced Decentralized and Audited contract based platform Guarantees that your investments are safe. Each asset belongs to a contract that Guarantees you will get paid. As long as your assets are under contract you will get paid.

How it works?

1. Choose your asset (project starts with 3 Leagues and 4 types of players available)
2. Choose league you want to play in, player position and player skills
3. Buy the player
4. Get paid according to League payment period
5. Enjoy the game and wait for new assets and game features (it will become more and more entertaining).

% naam% Roadmap

  • Platform Launch

  • You can earn up to 300% API in FOOT and get your reward each 3, 5 or 10 days?

Footbopoly Team

geverifieerd 25%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Sergiy Prykhodko
Vitaliy Nemudriy
Oleksandr Riznyk
Jerome Gehin
Creative Director

Footbopoly Interviews

Sergiy Prykhodko
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am one of the actual idea designer. Took part in all aspects of the project and know everything about it.
What do you think about idea?
Having right people around our project can actually change the way of football fans interaction with their favourite game. And as any successful project, can bring huge denefits to it's early investors.

Footbopoly Laatste nieuws

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  • Als u denkt dat er problemen of problemen zijn die moeten worden gecorrigeerd voor deze inhoud, of als u uw eigen ICO-project wilt indienen dat wordt vermeld, e-mail ons.
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