Firework Games

Firework Games

Created using Figma
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Over Firework Games

Stunning TCG gameplay graphics;

Dueling system of PVP and PVE;

Combine both galactic exploration and NFT Cards combats/trading

Exciting daily interstellar missions, monthly copies;

Innovation blockchain gameplay structure;

Chain assets composed of galactic NFTs assets;

Gaming construction and scenes are fully integrated on smart contract;

Gaming construction and assets exchange, including NFTs trading are entirely based on the blockchain environment;

Create a self-autonomous on-chain governance model which offers gamers the ultimate power over interstellar space.

Ultimate starship development and matching system allow gamers to design their own spaceships, starfighters and commanders;

The four races came from entirely different origins as well as different racial units, buildings, technologies and politics;

Open and multi-branch choice trees. Each major choice will affect the future of the whole interstellar war;

Meta-universe: the players will decide the future of the whole universe

Firework Games Laatste nieuws

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