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Stake & Build Web3
Figment is the world’s leading provider of blockchain infrastructure. We provide the most comprehensive staking solution including rewards optimization, rapid API development, rewards reporting, partner integrations, governance, and slashing protection for our over 200+ institutional clients.
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Over Figment

Co-founders Matt Harrop, Lorien Gabel and Andrew Cronk have 30+ years of successfully starting and scaling internet infrastructure companies. This deep background in infrastructure and security, combined with a passion for decentralized technologies, led to the launch of Figment in 2018.

At Figment, the mission is to support the adoption, growth and long term success of the Web 3 ecosystem. This is Figment’s unique approach: they make it simple to build on the next generation of blockchain technology. They provide enterprise grade node and staking infrastructure, the Hubble Web 3 explorer, and developer tools while also actively participating in community & governance.

Figment’s physical IDC, technical operations, development and management team are based in North America.

Figment Team

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Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Lorien Gabel
CEO & Cofounder
Matt Harrop
CTO & Cofounder
Andrew Cronk
CPO & Cofounder
Ryan Funduk
Chief Architect & Cofounder

Figment Laatste nieuws

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