Fenix Games

Fenix Games

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We are Fenix Games, a Web 3.0 games publisher made up of gaming and wall street industry vets who aim to revolutionize the player’s relationship with games by inviting them in as stakeholders, through the power of blockchain and decentralization.
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Over Fenix Games

We are Fenix Games, a Web 3.0 games publisher made up of gaming and wall street industry vets who aim to revolutionize the player’s relationship with games by inviting them in as stakeholders, through the power of blockchain and decentralization. 


We believe Blockchain will shift the way we design, monetize, and market games.  The future of game economies will leverage interoperability, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), and liquidity across any blockchain. 


To facilitate this vision, Fenix Games seeks to build a portfolio of projects across the spectrum of Web 2.0 to Web 2.5 to Web 3.0 by publishing, acquiring, and investing in a variety of game genres.

Fenix Games Team

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Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Chris Ko
Co-Founder & CEO
Rudy Koch
Co-Founder & CBO
Matt Nutt
Co-Founder & COO
Antonio Hallak
Co-Founder & CTO / Chief Investment Officer

Fenix Games Laatste nieuws

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