

Created using Figma
FABRIC brings tokenized synthetic assets to Solana. Powered by Solana and Pyth.
  • Markt
    Volume 24H
    24H (prijs)
    24H (volume)
  • Serum DEX
    $ 0.0018
    $ 900.33
  • Serum DEX
  • Serum DEX
    FAB/EDAHKBJ5NF9SRM7XN7EWUW8C9XEUMS8P7CNOQ57SYE96 % count% een jaar geleden
To be announced
aanvullende details

Over Fabric

What is Fabric?

In a nutshell, FABRIC is a synthetic asset issuance protocol built on Solana.

All synthetic assets are collateralized by FABRIC tokens (FAB) and other supported collateral tokens. These must be locked in the FABRIC pool to enable the issuance of synthetic assets, known as SPL Synthetics.

Users directly interact with the FABRIC pool, requiring no counterparties and avoiding common issues experienced on exchanges such as liquidity or slippage issues.

Once minted, users can trade these SPL Synthetics on the Serum DEX.

Why is Fabric different?

FABRIC is different to other synthetic providers. We are working on implementing a number of innovative ideas.

  1. Multi-collateral support (supporting major wrapped tokens)

  2. Wide range of SPL Synthetics, starting with fGOLD and fURA (expanding to other commodities, forex, index and inverse synthetics)

  3. Powered by Solana. Extremely cheap fees and high transactions-per-second.

What can I do on Fabric?

Using FABRIC, you can

  • Deposit and stake your FAB tokens for fUSD

  • Deposit and stake your wrapped SPL tokens, such as wETH, wBTC, etc., for the equivalent fToken (such as fETH, fBTC, etc.)

  • Mint SPL Synthetic tokens such as fGOLD or fURA using fUSD

  • Burn SPL Synthetic tokens

Fabric Laatste nieuws

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