Fintech Islands Barbados

Belair , Barbados

Over Fintech Islands Barbados

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Icelsa Diaz
Director, Fintech Digital Partnerships, Caribbean Mastercard Mastercard
Dave Dowrich
Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Tiaa
Pascale Elie
Chairwoman CELLPAY
Alison Browne-Ellis
Chief Executive Officer at Cave Shepherd Card (Barbados) Inc. Sagicor Bank (Barbados)
Marwan Forzley
Co-Founder & CEO Veem Veem
Tara Frater
Principal and Founder FT Legal FT Legal
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Eldred F. Garcia S
VP of Business and Partner Development First Atlantic Commerce
Chris Georgen
Founder & Managing Director Topl Topl
Fonta Gilliam
Founder & CEO Wellthi Wellthi
Helen Gradstein
Regional Representative & Digital Finance Technical Specialist UN Capital Development Fund
Conor Ó hAonghusa
Chief Operating Officer; Keeper of Contagious Passion Spark Network Spark Network
Zachary Harding
Executive Chairman Delta Capital Group
Niel Harper
Cybersecurity Expert; Board Member, TEN Habitat; Cyber Risk & Corporate Governance Working Group, World Economic Forum; Board Member ISACA One In Tech,
Jason Hayward
Minister of Economy and Labour The Hon. Jason P. Hayward, JP, MP
Peter Hazlehurst
Co-Founder & CEO Synctera Synctera
Garnet Heraman
Managing Partner Aperture Venture Capital Pryon
Daryl Holman Jr.
Founder & Managing Director Revival Finance, Inc. Revival Inc.
Dwight Housend
Co-Founder and The Executive Chairman TT RideShare Ltd
Sirpaul Jaikaran
Partner PwC pwc
Oliver Jordan
Chairman Financial Services Commission, Government of Barbados
Stéphanie Joseph
Co-Founder & CEO Kura Stealth FinTech Startup
Christopher Kai
Founder GPS The Mathem Group
Sanjib Kalita
Founder & CEO Guppy; Wizard, Money20/20
Marcia Klingensmith
Sabrina Lamb
Founder & CEO Wekeza
Theo Lamounier
Founder ByeBnk ByeBnk
Theo Lau
Author "Beyond Good"; Co-Founder Unconventional Ventures Unconventional Ventures
Hyginus “Gene” Leon Dr.
President Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)
Jeston Lett
Founder & CEO TruMeID TruMeiD
Vlad Lounegov
CEO Mbanq
Briana Marbury
Executive Director Interledger Foundation Interledger Foundation
Rohan Marley
Musician, Athlete & Entrepreneur; Founder Marley Coffee
Begoña Vizcaíno Martínez
Partner PwC pwc
John Akumalla
Senior Manager, Technology Consulting, and Microsoft Alliance Lead
Dr. Annalee C. Babb
Founder & CEO Intersections
Sarah Bailey
Head of Programme, World Food Programme Multi-Country Caribbean Office of United Nations United Nations University
Haifa Ben Salem
Associate Programme Officer, Digital Sector Development, International Trade Centre United Nations United Nations University
Annie Bertrand
Financial Inclusion & Regional Harmonization Consultant Harmonization Consultant United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF)
Michelle Beyo
Chad Blackman
Minister of Economic Affairs & Investment Government of Barbados
Jasmine Chai
Microsoft Practice Leader IBM IBM
Jehan Chreiki
Founder & CEO of Bandy
William Crowder
Founder & Managing Partner Aperture Venture Capital Aperture® Venture Capital
Stevon Darling
Co-Founder & CEO of Onest
Ian De Souza
Managing Director of ANSA Merchant Bank ANSA Merchant Bank
Héctor Deambrosi de León
Regional Business Development Manager Colombia & Central America InfoCorp InfoCorp Foundation Limited
Carlo DiPucchi
Associate Partner Services Microsoft Services of IBM IBM
Adil Dirie
Senior Market Engagement Manager, Mobile Money of GSMA GSMA
Keith Downer
Co-Founder & Chairman of VENTI Global
Dave Dowrich
Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of TIAA Tiaa
Siddharth Durbha
Director, Digital Risk of KPMG KPMG
Daphne Ewing-Chow
Independent Journalist; Senior Contributor of Forbes Forbes
Mervyn Eyre
Head of Caribbean & Latin America of Fujitsu
Moad Fahmi
Chief Digital Asset Officer of Bermuda Monetary Authority Bermuda Monetary Authority
Sebastián Castro Galnares
Co-Founder & President of Kushki Kushki
Alfonso Garcia Mora
VP Europe, Latin America & Caribbean of International Finance Corporation (IFC) IFC - International Finance Corporation
Nicky Gomez
Senior Partner XReg.Consulting XReg_Consulting
David Griffiths
Associate Partner, Enterprise Strategy, Sustainability & Financial Services of IBM IBM
Mario Griffiths
Director, Payment System Policy and Development Department of Bank of Jamaica (BOJ) Bank of Jamaica (BOJ)
Mario Griffiths
Director, Payment System Policy and Development Department of Bank of Jamaica (BOJ) Bank of Jamaica (BOJ)
Aaron Grinhaus
Co-Director, Osgoode Hall Law School Certificate in Web3, Blockchain & Metaverse Law; President, Fintech Venture & Advisory Corp; Founder Grinhaus Law Firm
Carol Grunberg
Chief Business Officer Yuno
Martin Hanna
Co-Founder & CEO of Penny Pinch
Natasha Harper-Madison
City Council Member, City of Austin; Founder of CivShop ATX
Roger Hennis
CEO of Avvant Consulting Avvant
Kirk Henry
Chief Digital Officer of ANSA Bank
Juan Luis Hernandez
Regional Business Development Manager of TerraPay TerraPay
Archie Hesse
CEO of Ghana Interbank Payment & Settlement Systems (GhIPSS)
Krystal Hoyte
Multimedia Journalist of Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation
Zlata Huddleston
Consulting Sustainability Practice Leader & Enterprise Strategy Practice Leader of IBM IBM
Tracy-Ann Hyman
Founder, CEO & Geo-Scientist of ARTEL
R. Paul Inniss
EVP & General Manager of Sagicor LIfe Inc., Barbados Sagicor LIfe Inc., Barbados
Felicity Luktuka Jaforktuk
Barbados Country Manager of ZeePay ZeePay
Sirpaul Jaikaran
Partner of PwC pwc
Warren Kellman
Founder & CEO of Nickel & Dime Ltd.
Asif R. Khan
"Founder & CEO, GroundLevel Insights; Founder & Chairman" of Location Based Marketing Association (LBMA) London Bullion Market Association
Ronan Kuczaj
Founder & CEO of DLT Solutions Ltd. DLT Solutions Ltd.
Angel Lorente
Founder & CEO of FinTech Connector FinTech Connector
Kadeen Mairs
Founder, Dolla Financial Services; Founder & CEO of Dequity Capital Management Dequity Capital Management Limited
Grant McDonald
Country Managing Partner, Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean. Head of Tax of KPMG KPMG
Cleve Mesidor
Executive Director of Blockchain Foundation World Blockchain Foundation
Dr. Mark Moyou
Senior Data Scientist of NVIDIA Healthcare NVIDIA
Bianca and Henry Mungalsingh
Co-Founder of Kayl Technologies
Paolo Narciso
Social Entrepreneur, Technologist & Author of Independent Independent
Alicia Nicholls
Trade & Development Consultant, CTLD Consulting; Research Fellow & Lecturer of The University of the West Indies
Richard Nunekpeku
Vice President – Legal & Strategy of Ghana Fintech and Payment Association (GFPA) Ghana Fintech and Payments Association
N'Nhyn O’Cof
Founder & CEO of Prospuh Prospuh
Ali Paterson
Editor in Chief of Fintech Finance Fintech Finance
Zia Paton
Partner of PwC pwc
Keeghan Patrick
Co-Founder & Co-CEO of RifBid RifBid
Jarryon Paul
Founder & CEO of Sunshine Sunshine
Paul Pirie
CEO of TCI Finance TCI Finance
Richard Powell
Chairman, The RMP Group; Co-Founder & Senior Managing Director of APC Holdings, LLC
Alex Preec
Founder & CEO of Tillo Tillo
Usman Raja
Advisor of Global FinTech Industry
Nicholas Rees
2x Olympian; Group Chairman & Co-Founder of Kanoo Kanoo
Dr. Terri-Karelle Reid
Speaker, Author, Hosts of Hosts, and Human Ethernet of Main Stage Host
Peter Renton
Chairman & Co-Founder of Fintech Nexus Fintech Nexus
Jill Richmond
Managing Partner of Full Stack VC Full Stack VC
Matteo Rizzi
Co-Host & Executive Producer, Breaking Banks Europe; Venture Partner, NEVA Finventures; Co-Founder, FTS Group; Founder The TimePledge Network TimePledge Network
Anita C. Roberts
Founding Partner, mvmt ventures; Managing Director of Silicon Hills Capital Silicon Hills Capital
Ramon Robinson
Information Technology Manager, CBDC Project of Bank of Jamaica (BOJ) Bank of Jamaica (BOJ)
Keron Rose
Digital Strategist of The Digipreneur Company
Houston Ross
Chief Information & Digital Transformation Officer of Republic Financial Holdings Republic Financial Holdings
Lars Rottweiler
Chief Technology Officer of Mbanq Mbanq
Martin Rowinski
Co-Founder. & CEO of Boardsi Boardsi
Marwan Dean Rozier
Founder & CEO of Girasol Girasol Payment Solutions
Dr. Iwa Salami
Director of Centre of FinTech University of East London
Eduardo Sanchez
SVP, Head of Cyber & Intelligence for LAC of Mastercard
Ravi Sankar
Head of Cyber and Technology of KPMG KPMG
Hon. E. Jay Saunders
Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance, Investment and Trade of Government Turks and Caicos Islands Government
Leila Search
Fintech Investment Team Lead, Latin America of International Finance Corporation (IFC) International Finance Corporation (IFC)
Cheryl Senhouse
Finance Innovation Director Caribbean Climate-Smart Accelerator
Lodewijk Van Setten
Director & General Counsel, trilitech; Chief Risk Officer of DLT Solutions Ltd. DLT Solutions Ltd.
Kevin Simmons
General Partner of LoftyInc Capital Management LoftyInc Capital Management
Antonio Soares
Co-Founder & CEO of DOCK docker
Adam Swartzbaugh
Founder & CEO of Almond Fintech Almond Fintech
Diego Szteinhendler
SVP Fintechs, Enablers and Crypto LAC of Mastercard Mastercard
Rohin Tagra
Founder & CEO of Azimuth GRC Azimuth GRC
Mikel Thomas
3x Olympian; Innovation & Global Partnerships of Visa Visa
George Thomas
CEO of Sagicor Bank (Barbados) Sagicor Bank (Barbados)
Robert Trestrail
President & CEO of Sagicor LIfe Inc. Sagicor LIfe Inc., Barbados
Roberto Vargas
President, FinTech IberoAmérica; President, Asociación Fintech del Perú; Founder & CEO of Betriax Betriax
Thiru Venkatachalam
VP & Senior Partner Hybrid Cloud Consulting of IBM IBM
Aldwyn Wayne
Founder & CEO, Colour Bank; Founder & CEO of WiPay WiPay
Cherie Williams
Founder & CEO of Veekle
Jose Wolff
Vice President, Latin America of Accion Acciona
Chasity Wright
Founder & CEO of Infiltron Software Suite Infiltron Software Suite
Tarique Al-Ansari
Juan Zavala Aleman
Co-Founder & CEO FinZi
Mia Alexander
VP Customer Success Dave, Inc.
Martin Kwame Awagah
Wayne Brown
Managing Partner The Walker Group
Aaron Bumgarner
Founder and CEO at Outsyde, Inc.
Christopher Burns
Carmelle Cadet
Founder & CEO EMTECH
Anthony Clerk Managing
Director and Chief Executive Officer Republic Bank (Barbados) Limited
Chris Cochran
Executive Director Entrepreneurs Across Borders
24 jan 2024, 07:00 , AST (UTC -4)
26 feb 2024, 19:30 , AST (UTC -4)
Sam Lords Castle, Barbados