Cryptopia '24

Draper , United States

Over Cryptopia '24

​Join our 3rd Annual Cryptopia Conference 2024

​We will have 3 hours gathering at the brand new Pelion Ventures Office and Event Space in Draper.

​Come see Utah's latest Crypto projects and mingle with other builders and bag holders.

​We will kick off the day with a State of Crypto panel, where we hear from experts what is going on.

​We then will have several demos of newer projects and updates from existing projects.

​Drinks will be provided.

​VIP dinner at 6pm for investors and founders

​Demos from: Gravitas, Giddy, Hyper, RavenCoin, RipeDao, Coinbase, and more. Thanks to the Utah Blockchain Coalition for helping organize this Cryptopia


30 mei 2024 14:00 , MST (UTC -7)
30 mei 2024 16:30 , MST (UTC -7)
Pelion Venture Partners