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ETCMC is a community-driven mining pool and decentralized autonomous organization that pays additional rewards to miners through its native ERC20 token #ETCPOW.
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The ETCMC DAO aims to be a decentralized organization that will fund new and upcoming projects on the Ethereum Classic network.

The DAO will generate income from multiple streams, including profits made from node sales, onetime membership fees in the form of NFTs, and income from the ETCMC mining pool and the ETCMC mining farm.

The DAO's outgoings will be allocated towards development, membership monthly profits, and project funding.

Members of the ETCMC DAO will have voting rights and access to unique benefits, such as a monthly share of profits paid in ETC and access to ETCPOW staking.

The ETCMC DAO will constantly evolve to add new funding streams and opportunities for its members.

ETCMC Laatste nieuws

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