Degen Islands

Degen Islands

Created using Figma
A Solana Mining & Crafting P2E Game.
To be announced
aanvullende details

Over Degen Islands

Degen Islands a play-to-earn metaverse built on the Solana blockchain.

Users can purchase their own islands and then enter a Minecraft-style metaverse to mine their land, collect materials and resources, and then build, craft, farm, stake and rent to earn $NUGGETS and $DGOLD

% naam% Roadmap

  • Phase 1

  • Game launch, mining and collecting
    Zone 1 Islands - playable (mining & collecting)
    Withdraw $NUGGETS to wallets
    DEX integration - Liquidity pool
  • Phase 2

  • Crafting & yield farming
    Crafting - Creating new refined materials, inanimate objects, tools
    Staking - Yield farming
    Foraging - Going to non-ownable islands to collect materials
  • Phase 3

  • Multiplayer
    Crafting - Creating refined materials (glass)
    Degen Central - Hub launch
    Projects can rent land on Degen Central, setup stall for exchange
    Projects can exhibit their NFTs
    Free-to-play functionality
    Networking - mine and craft with friends
    Lock islands
    Rent out your island
    Voice & text chat
  • Phase 4

  • In-game trading
    In-game trading DEX
    Serum, Raydium and Orca integration
    Marketplace - Selling materials, tools, props and refined materials (Peer-to-peer marketplace)
  • Lees verder
  • Phase 5

  • Farming
    Arable farming - growing and harvesting crops
    Livestock farming - breeding, trading, butcher
  • Phase 6

  • Prop Builder tool to sell in-game assets & VR
    Prop Builder tool to create and sell in-game assets - Voxel and low-poly editors, mint, and sell in-game
    VR release

Degen Islands Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Matt Thornhill
Marketing & Community
Ben Keogh
Robert Watson

Degen Islands Laatste nieuws

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