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Decentraland is een virtual reality-wereld waar gebruikers percelen kunnen kopen en bouwen. Eigendomsinhoud varieert van statische 3D-scènes tot dynamische toepassingen. Een eigenaar van een huis kan andere gebruikers op haar land hosten en bepalen hoe de wereld met hen omgaat.
Gegevens zijn niet beschikbaar
To be announced
Details token
Geregistreerd land
aanvullende details
Platform, Virtuele realiteit, vermaak

Over Decentraland

Over Decentraland

Word lid van de crowdsale op 8 augustus om te helpen bij het bouwen van de eerste virtuele wereld die draait op open standaarden.

& nbsp; Prijs 1000 MANA = 1 LAND Contributieperiode 8 augustus t / m aug-16 Initiële prijs $ 24 USD per 1.000 MANA & nbsp; Opmerkingen LAND is een niet-vervangbaar digitaal item Harde kap $ 20 Milllion Inkoopmethoden geaccepteerd ETH, BTC, altcoins
aangedreven door ShapeShift

Beoogd gebruik van inkomsten

  • Ontwikkeling 50%
  • Onderzoek 20%
  • Marketing en community dev 15%
  • Operations en Business Dev 10%
  • Wettelijk 5%


  • 40% Crowdsale
  • 20% Gemeenschap en partners
  • 20% Team en vroege bijdragers
  • 20% Foundation


- Gebruikers kunnen percelen grond kopen en ontwikkelen om iets op te bouwen, van statische 3D-scènes tot dynamische toepassingen
- Gebruikers hebben volledige controle over de inhoud van het land dat ze bezitten en behouden alle opbrengsten van de waarde die ze hebben genereren voor andere gebruikers

Technische informatie

Technische details: & nbsp; Decentraland gebruikt de Ethereum-blockchain om informatie over landeigendom en de inhoud ervan op te slaan. Content wordt gedistribueerd via het IPFS-netwerk, terwijl datashulsen worden opgeslagen in de blockchain Bewijs van ontwikkelaar: & nbsp; Openbaar team

Decentraland Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Ari Meilich
Project Lead


$35 000 000

Esteban Ordano
Technical Lead


$45 602 620

Manuel Araoz
Board Member
Yemel Jardi
Board Member
Dario Sneidermanis
Core Developer
Martín Triay
Core Developer
Nicolás Santángelo
Core Developer
Franco Zeoli
Mariano Rodríguez


$30 700 000

Jake Brukhman
Founder at CoinFund


$902 456 053

Luis Cuende
Project Lead at Aragon
Diego Doval
ex CTO at Ning

Decentraland Laatste nieuws

Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
Volume 24h:
Circ. Supply:
ICO profit
ICO Price~$364.12

% name% Reviews

The idea of creating a virtual world in VR and interacting in it is very interesting and should draw a lot of interest.
The project has been under development since 2015.
Since land is scarce, if Decentraland is popular, then MANA and LAND will become very valuable, just like land in the real world.
The team has partnerships with other promising projects such as district0x and Aragon.

This seems like a very complex project, with different applications being able to run on the platform.
Unlike some other ICOs, this project does not actually solve a problem. It is just creating a game that people may potentially want, depending on how entertaining it is.
Decentraland is essentially a game but no one on the team has gaming experience. Developing a successful game is very difficult – 99.9% of mobile games are unprofitable. It took even Rovio 51 failures before their success in Angry Birds.
I believe the team has the technical expertise, but I am not sure if they have the relevant experience needed to create a successful game.
Decentraland needs an active community to stay alive (and for land to be valuable). Even if the project is a hit initially, all games will eventually go out-of-favor and players will leave – virtually no game can maintain its popularity for over 10 years. People will eventually get bored and leave the system.

Overall, I am neutral about this ICO from an investment perspective. It is a very interesting project – I am sure it will be a fun game to play in.
However, so many things need to be done right (both in terms of software development and on the entertainment side) for this project to be a success. I’m not sure if the team is able to do it given their lack of experience in the video game industry.
Our thoughts of the tokens for short term and long term are as follows:
For short-term holding:
Not good. The execution of the ICO so far has been poor - 1) increasing the hard cap by $5 million, 2) canceling the whitelist because there is a scam going on? It doesn't make any sense to me.
For long-term holding:
Neutral. For MANA to appreciate, there needs to be an active community using the platform and finding it entertaining. On one hand, this idea seems very interesting, but on the other hand, I am not sure about the team’s capability to build a successful game given no previous background in the video game industry.

Lees verder

If you want to take your virtual reality world to the next level, then Decentraland has created a perfect platform that you can use to become completely immersed in a 3D interactive world. It is an easy to use platform and has amazing features that will keep you entertained all day.

Lees verder
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