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Laatste update

22 mrt. 2019

De belangrijkste missie van Cresio is het creëren van een platform dat, in één enkele ruimte, de mogelijkheid biedt om gelijktijdig in meerdere beurzen te opereren, real-time informatie te verkrijgen over de toestand van de markten, het saldo van wallets te beheren, werk in pools te bewaken van mijnbouw, notificatie en registratie voor nieuwe luchtlandingen, evenals een grote lijst van signalen om op de markten actief te zijn.
Total Period of the ICO (All Rounds)
1 mei 2019
1 aug. 2019
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
Doel 230 000.00 USD
pet 5 400 000.00 USD
  • 1 CRES
    0.01 USD
Details token
Totale voorraad
Token Distributie
65% WalletHold
20% Airdrop
5% Administrative Expenses
4% Team Cresio
3% Bounty Program
3% ICO Sales
Geaccepteerde valuta's
Min. Bijdrage
Geregistreerde bedrijfsnaam
Geregistreerd land
Germany, Spain
Bedrijf opgericht
Jan 22, 2019
aanvullende details
MVP / Prototype
Ja , van Feb 25, 2019 tot Apr 30, 2019

Over Cresio

De CNMV geeft groen licht aan CRESIO, de eerste wettelijke ICO in Spanje.

Cresio is ontstaan ​​als gevolg van de noodzaak om op één plaats de absolute controle over uw cryptocurrencies op te nemen. De belangrijkste missie van Cresio is het creëren van een platform dat, in één enkele ruimte, de mogelijkheid biedt om gelijktijdig in meerdere beurzen te opereren, real-time informatie te verkrijgen over de toestand van de markten, het saldo van wallets te beheren, werk in pools te bewaken van mijnbouw, notificatie en registratie bij nieuwe luchtlandingen, evenals een grote lijst van signalen om met operaties op de markt te opereren. & nbsp;

Het doel is om een ​​behendige en controle-ervaring te creëren, ongeacht de mate van gebruikerservaring, allemaal gekoppeld aan een hoog niveau van beveiliging, een ongekende ervaring te garanderen. & nbsp;

Op dezelfde manier bevalt Cresio een ERC20-token met verschillende opmerkelijke functies, zoals de mogelijkheid om de betaling uit te voeren voor het gebruik van het platform of het ontvangen van passief inkomen in de komende 50 jaar, waardoor het wordt omgezet in een utility-token


We willen onze gebruikers een kwalitatief hoogstaand en gebruikersvriendelijk product aanbieden, dus financiering is een belangrijk onderdeel van het project. Om deze reden is de lancering van een ICO de beste manier om liquiditeit te verkrijgen en deze zo aan de voltooiing van de ontwikkeling van het platform toe te wijzen, de werknemers uit te breiden op gebieden zoals: programmering, ontwerp, marketing, communicatie, enz. & Hellip; Op deze manier versnellen we de ontwikkeling van het project en verkorten we de wachttijd aanzienlijk, zodat de gebruiker sneller van ons product kan genieten.

% naam% Roadmap

  • December 2017

  • Birth of the idea and creation of the whitepaper V1.0.
  • January 2018

  • Registration in social networks, logos, web and market research.
  • February 2018

  • Meetings of project founders and shareholders.
  • March 2018

  • Start of platform development, server system and trader survey.
  • Lees verder
  • April 2018

  • Alpha 1 of the platform multi-exchange (1 exchange).
  • May 2018

  • Alpha 2 of the multi-exchange platform (3 exchanges) and Beta user platform.
  • June 2018

  • Alpha 3 of the multi-Exchange platform and WalletHold Beta platform.
  • July 2018

  • System updates of the multi-exchange platform, WalletHold and the user’s control panel.
  • August 2018

  • Token Features Agreement, Airdrops rewards, WalletHold terms and conditions.
  • September 2018

  • Improved multi-exchange platform design, translations and Roadmap creation.
  • October 2018

  • Legal matters in Spanish territory, preparation of the ICO.
  • November 2018

  • Recruitment of the law firm.
  • December 2018

  • Contact with the CNMV for the regulation of the ICO, opening of social networks, opening of web page, update of whitepaper V1.1.
  • January 2019

  • Opening of registration and launch of the 1st Airdrop Round.
  • February 2019

  • Interviews for the expansion of the team.
  • February 2019

  • Interviews for the expansion of the team.
  • March 2019

  • Launch of the 2nd Airdrop Round, the user control panel, the whitelist and the 1st Bounty program.
  • April 2019

  • Update of staff on the website, advisors and collaborators.
  • May 2019

  • Launch of the 3rd Airdrop Round and sale of the 1st ICO Round.
  • June 2019

  • Launch of the 2nd Bounty program.
  • July 2019

  • Sale of the 2nd ICO round, launch of the 4th Airdrop round, hiring of human resources and infrastructure.
  • August 2019

  • Sale of 3rd ICO Round and requests to exchanges to list the CRES token.
  • September 2019

  • Launch of the 5th Airdrop Round, activation of the WalletHold rewards system and launch of the 3rd Bounty program.
  • October 2019

  • Opening of the multi-exchange beta testers platform.
  • November 2019

  • Launch of multi-exchange platform V1.0 and launch of the 6th Airdrop Round.
  • December 2019.

  • Launch of the 4th Bounty program.
  • January 2020

  • Upgrade of multi-Exchange platform V2.0.

Cresio Team

geverifieerd 100%

Arturo Jiménez
Founder / Programmer
Marcos Paredes
Founder /Marketing and PR
Alfredo Simón
Founder / financial director
Daniel Pons
Founder / IT specialist
David Maeztu
Founder / Designer
Belén Expósito
Director of Sales
Diomira Barrueta
Director of communication
David Jiménez
Joel Durán
Morten Christensen


geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team


$44 248 497

Didi Taihuttu

Cresio Interviews

Arturo Jiménez
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Founder, systems developer, programmer, market analyst.

Creator of the Cresio platform. Passionate about the Blockchain technology, Web-master, Programmer and specialist in the development of computer applications with many years of experience. Extreme capacity of actions oriented to quick solutions. He has logical thoughts and is a good communicator.
What do you think about idea?
Cresio is a platform that helps to understand the market more precisely in such a way, that both, novice and experienced users can operate quickly and efficiently with all the necessary tools. Cresio is not a dream, it is a reality, at a very evolved development point, thus being a solid and reliable project.
Marcos Paredes
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As one of the founders i am responsable for the marketing and PR work of the company as well as for analizing and the organisation of the different market surveys in our market research program.
I'am responsable of the Marketing and PR work of Cresio and a very experienced analyst of market surveys. From people to companies, the construction of business relationships is the core of my faith. Speaking 4 languages.
What do you think about idea?
Creating Cresio arose from the idea of ​​improving and facilitating the possibilities for beginners and experienced traders when operating in several exchanges. We realized that operating simultaneously in several exchanges create a lot of difficulties for traders of any level.
In Cresio we invest a lot of work and effort in solving the mentioned problems that were brought to us through several market surveys to traders of all levels.
Cresio will definitely become the most desired multi-exchange worldwide, due to its large number of functions, facilities and possibilities it offers to all traders.
Alfredo Simón
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Speaker of Cresio and financial director, in addition to development consultant in the development, research, design and implementation of the Cresio platform, contributing continuously new ideas to the programming team, ensuring an intuitive experience for users.
What do you think about idea?
Most of the projects are only promises on paper, on the other hand Cresio, has completed much of its development, in order to minimize the waiting time from your investment to actual use.
Can you imagine investing in a project and that your investment increases dividends from the start? This is possible with our WalletHold system, obtaining a high profitability, just as by using the platform.
David Maeztu
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Founder, audiovisual media designer, graphic designer.

Without a doubt he is the one who puts the humor note to the company. Professional in the field of design and editing in audiovisual media, always leaving his particular touch. He emphasize his innovative techniques and unusual ideas, experimenting with new techniques being reflected in his work. Passionate about the world of new technologies related to photography and video.
What do you think about idea?
In a emergent world what it´s like the cryptocurrency trader, was really required a platform that unifies all the exchanges with the chance of make operations at same time. At same time it keep scanned every currency then emits signals, we are front innovative platform easy to use.
Belén Expósito
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Director of sales, Public relations, Image consultant. Great knowledge of Cresio and its platform and it´s sales process. Apart from her capacity for organization and planning she is a magnificent negotiator, with tact and diplomacy. Always very communicative, with a lot of respect, education and good manners. Largely responsible for the good environment in our team.
What do you think about idea?
The idea of ​​having in one application the absolute control of trading operations, market information,
balance sheets, work done in mining pools, among others, is an excellent tool that has not been
developed by any team, until the appearance of CRESIO.
Becoming a fundamental and indispensable tool for any trader regardless of their level of experience.
Diomira Barrueta
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Our link between technology and people, humanizing the technical language of our company, generating a relationship of trust and credibility between Cresio, its users, advisors and collaborators. Fulfilled cultural code and experienced communicator in different social networks. Ease in the execution of tasks in a creative, productive way very naturally.
What do you think about idea?
Cresio was born as a result of the need to include in a single place, the absolute control of your cryptocurrencies. The main mission of Cresio is the creation of a platform that encompasses, in a single space, the possibility of operating simultaneously in multiple exchanges, obtaining in real time information on the state of the markets, controlling the balance of wallets, monitoring work in pools of mining, notification and registration to new airdrops, as well as a large list of signals to with operate in the markets.
David Jiménez
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As a part of this great team, we all think it´s necessary all kind of people can understand correctly the message we want to give to the world of Cryptocurrency. My job here consist on elaborate then share all useful info about us and our project.
What do you think about idea?
We jut´s know the biggest problem of our society it´s the lack of unity. We focus on make a real difference in the Cryptocurrency world. Unifying all exchanges transactions into one place.
Joel Durán
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
With the arrival of the cryptocurrencies and the blockchain system, I specialized in the analysis of ICO projects, concentrating on the performance of the Airdrops realization and the viability of the ICO projects that launch them. That is why I am dedicated to discovering the most promising Airdrops as the most deceptive projects trying to avoid that low quality projects are taking advantage of the Airdrops to create a false community.
What do you think about idea?
Cresio will revolutionize the cryptocurrency market. Optimizing the speed of the investor's operations and notably improving his experience with the exchanges. It is definitely the best alternative ever seen before.
Morten Christensen
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Community adviser during Airdrop & Bounty campaign promoted on and other sites we manage and are partners with.
What do you think about idea?
We're a fan of block initiatives who try to make a difference. With dedicated teas like Cresio, things are possible!

Cresio Laatste nieuws

5.0 4
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