

TheToken Innovation Hub. We work with the most innovative solutions on the market to help you get the best results. Start the journey to take your business to the next level today.

Over TheToken

Who we are

We are a team of experts with decades of experience in all sectors related to the use of blockchain technology in the business environment.
The group is made up of excellence in the financial , legal and technological fields capable of providing quality services through innovative solutions.
The result is obtained thanks to the institutional partnership with the best operators in the sector.

Areas of expertise

The interdisciplinary nature and the correlation of different types of consultancy determine the evolution of the economic and production paradigms of our clients.


Legal and Tax Area

Integrated consulting services for the management of digital representations of value. Consultancy for the correct fiscal allocation of digital values ​​within the company. Activation of LEI in the country most suited to the project.


Financial Area

Advisor for ICO - ILO - STO. Compliance for DeFi platforms and Play to Earn games. Smart Contract and bond generation in the digital environment. Acquisitions and rights management in the metaverse.


Blockchain Architect

Technological implementation for the time stamping of the production processes of goods and services. Use of the blockchain for the protection of trademarks and patents. Enhancement of know-how through the blockchain. Use of digital values ​​to increase the company's share capital and available assets.



Consultancy in the issuance of various types of tokens, including tokenomics and compliance activities (white papers and smart contracts).



We promote and disseminate the innovative message of the Blockchain through training courses designed according to the customer structure.


Digital Marketing and Brand Support

Consultancy aimed at the semantic implementation of corporate communications connected to the new paradigms of the blockchain to reach potential interlocutors related to new market areas. Brand positioning through the use of latest generation vectors such as influencer marketing.


The Token Coin

Participation in our courses will entitle you to get The Token Coin. With these tools, the owner will be able to obtain exclusive services or access promotions and contents that can be used in the context of his own business activity. Available soon.