

Over PocketGamer

Brought to you from the team behind PocketGamer.com, the world's number one consumer site for mobile and handheld games, PocketGamer.biz is all about the processes, people, technology and deals that drive the business which makes these games happen.


From breaking industry stories and in-depth interviews with key executives and players to coverage of industry conferences and events, and detailed analysis of mobile games metrics, if it makes a difference to the developers, publishers, operators, handset manufacturers, and service providers, then you can expect to see it here.


And as well as providing a daily news service, PocketGamer.biz's knowledge is available in regular industry analysis such as our Mobile Games Trends reports. These provide the key trends, facts and figures for the mobile games market, ranging from the competitive analysis of publishers to game case studies, market data and financial performance.


PocketGamer.biz also highlights the best companies in the business with annual features such as the Top 50 Mobile Game Makers and the Mobile Games Awards.


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