

“Paypite is not just another cryptocurrency. Its ambition is to unite 274 million French-speaking people around the world with an accessible and simplified currency that speeds-up their transactions.”

Over Paypite

We started with one observation: exchanges are facilitated by sharing one common language, but not a common currency hindering economic development across-border.

Traditional methods of currency transactions have large commissions fees and take longer time to process. It is time we move forward with modern technology.
This is how Paypite was born on January 15, 2018 for 15 cents / PIT, the first virtual currency dedicated to Francophones. A cryptocurrency that allows you to pay or transfer money in a transparent, immediate, and secure way.

In France alone, the money transfer market represents more than 10 million transactions and 8 billion euros. The untapped potential market of 274 million French speakers, this number looks to triple in years to come, for 1 in every 13 people in the world by 2050!

Beyond a “simple” cryptocurrency, Paypite aims to be the first platform for economic networking of Francophones. The first platform that motivates and facilitates their exchanges, which encourages variety of projects, opening up to a whole new country: La Francophonie.


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Vincent Jacques
Président – Fondateur
Terence Singh
Directeur Commercial
Frédéric Larrière
Directeur Administratif et Financier
Jérémy Dubois
Chef de Produit
Marie Louvier
Assistante Marketing
Jouber Mayet
Représentant Madagascar
Mamisoa R.
Directrice Support
Tidiane Gaye
Représentant Sénégal
Momar Diop
Développement Commercial Sénégal
Zo Tahiana
Lead Développeur
Parany R.
Sénior Développeur
Andrisoa H.
QA Manager
Tafita Hajavola
Responsable Qualité
Tsiry Sandratraina
Lead Développeur Blockchain
Frédéric Meyer
Software Développeur
Delphin R.
Software Développeur
Fabien Enone
MEAN Stack Développeur
Donatien N.
MEAN Stack Développeur
Njakasoa D.
MEAN Stack Développeur
Jean R.
Développeur WordPress
Charlie R.
Service Client
Dina Ny Aina