IT Sphere

IT Sphere

We bring together digital products developers, outsource developers, investors and IT experts

Over IT Sphere

We invite all those who have a desire to share their opinions to participate in the events, to develop, to live and work in a highly efficient society with transparent and understandable working conditions. Join us if you think that you have an understanding of how the world can change tomorrow and a burning desire to act, create a new reality in which there will be more trust, freedom, goodness and justice!

Developed on EOS (scalability, interblockchain integration, low cost of internal operations). The model of the platform is self-sustaining and aimed to develop the Community. Integration of business model into Smart-contracts.

- Creating a platform for the unification of participants in the information technology market, representatives of the scientific community, entrepreneurs, investors, active youth and the State. 
- To lay humanistic values ​​in the interaction of people on the basis of blockchain technology, which makes it possible to create and safely store the digital footprint of each individual. 
- Creating a new type of relationship between the participants of the IT community and business based on public, genuine ratings. 
- To enable community members to reach their potential and do what they love to earn a decent income. 
- Changes in the quality of life of society as a whole due to the integration of modern technologies into everyday reality.
- Create understandable tools for optimizing the work activities of each community member and channel the released time and material resources into development.


Alexey Mostovshchik...
Team member
Oksana Bondar
Team member
Arthur Lipatov
Team member
Dmitry Kuskov
Team member
Renat Mansurov
Team member
George Galoyan
Team member
Andrey Tolmachyov
Team member
Yegor Fedorov
Team member
Denis Stupin
Team member
Timur Zedik
Team member
Venus Shaydulin
Team member
Konstantin Orlov
Team member
Tamara Bogdanova
Team member
Mikhail Pashkovsky
Team member
Dmitry Kulagin
Team member
Alexander Belyashov
Team member
Renat Putyatinsky
Team member
Vladimir Popov
Team member
Ella Harko
Team member
Konstantin Kurilov
Team member
Anton Filimonov
Team member
Alexander Ivanov
Team member
Valeria Prayd
Team member
Stanislav Solntsev
Team member
Denis Romensky
Team member
Oleg Mironov
Team member
Alexey Palatkin
Team member
Pavel Seryakov
Team member
Dmitry Dyakonov
Team member
Vadim Sushko
Team member
Nikolay Pitirimov
Team member
Andrey Godunov
Team member
Maxim Fadeev
Team member
Alexander Kosolapov
Team member
Svetlana Malova
Team member
Maxim Demkovich
Team member
Vladimir Gonchar
Team member