

We will develop and implement individual blockchain solutions in your business or implement your idea.

Over Gexabyte

We are GEXABYTE - a team of blockchain enthusiasts, cryptographic experts and experienced developers in the field of blockchain programming. We create and integrate blockchain solutions in the business and public sector.Solutions for projects requiring the introduction of blockchain solutions (deployment of private and public blockchain systems). High speed, arbitrary degree of decentralization, fine tuning of the consensus protocol based on the Ethereum, Nem, Stellar and Graphene protocols. Development of smart contracts, issue of ERC-20 tokens (or other blockchain platforms), development of an investor's office with the acceptance of BTC, ETH. Development of a bounty (airdrop) system. Development of smart contracts for blockchain projects. Integrating smart contracts into existing services and applications. Complete construction of logic in accordance with the requirements of the project. Conducting a technical audit of smart contracts , identifying errors and adjusting logic.



Arthur Sundetov
Project Manager, CTO
Kirill Morozov
Development Director
Zhanbolat Nurutdin
Lead blockchain developer
Ivan Ferkalyuk
Lead blockchain developer

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