EquiLottery Games

EquiLottery Games

How Lotteries Play Sports.

Over EquiLottery Games

As the developer of the first daily lottery game based on a live sporting event to be offered through a U.S. lottery, EQL Games is the pioneer of this exciting new game of chance sports category in lottery and gaming. This first-of-its-kind company offers a series of games based on popular sports such as auto racing, baseball, basketball, football, golf, hockey, and horse racing and partner with leagues and racetracks to integrate their iconic branding and valuable IP with the convenience of government lottery systems. Protected by US and Canadian patents, EQL Games supports its lottery offerings through a series of products and services that make its games plug-and-play for its state lottery customers. These include central gaming systems, data licensing, horsemen negotiations, intellectual property licensing, mobile apps, multi-channel marketing support, second chance raffle prizes, sports calendar development, sports league licensing, systems integrations, and video streaming.


Brad Cummings
Founder and & CEO
Kimberly Spalding
Austin Mayberry

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