Dutch Blockchain Coalition

Dutch Blockchain Coalition

The Dutch Blockchain Coalition is a jointly developed partnership by industry, government and knowledge institutions. Together they have assumed a leading role and joint responsibility for the success of the Action Agenda of the Dutch Blockchain Coalition.

Over Dutch Blockchain Coalition

Blockchain is a young technology, which makes digital trust possible and establishes its own path on the hype cycle. We are in the initial phase and so we still need to discover where the actual possibilities lie and what the pitfalls are. The social, economic, technical and legal expertise in this area is still only present to a limited extent within specialised companies and at knowledge and research institutions. The importance of the best-known blockchain Bitcoin is, although conceptually brilliant, still relatively limited and there are currently no large-scale operational market implementations outside of the financial sector.
 The Dutch Blockchain Coalition is a joint venture between industry, government and knowledge institutions. Together they have assumed a leading role and joint responsibility for the success of the Action Agenda of the Dutch Blockchain Coalition.
 The coalition is permanently open for experts and stakeholders who want to make a contribution so that the coalition realises the maximum result. In this process, it will be continuously considered where the best match lies between the expertise offered and the interest of the programme, which should be viewed as a rolling agenda. The collaboration is for a period of several years, can assume different working practices, and in mutual consultation will be harmonised with the possibilities and needs of the partners involved.




Frans Van Ette
Coalition Manager
Katja Van Kranenburg
Partner Employment CMS, Head
Sandra Van Heukelom-...
Lawyer and Partner

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