Decabbit Consultancy

Decabbit Consultancy

DeCabbit Consultancy was founded by Judith Lewis, a veteran online marketer who started in the online marketing business in 1996. As was the case with everyone at that time, she learned through patient testing and experimentation on how the various search engine algorithms worked, especially the Google algorithm which establishes which sites rank for what searches. Combining her Specialised Honours degree in psychology with her background in programming, she found her niche in online marketing.

Over Decabbit Consultancy

The DeCabbit Consultancy is founded on four pillars: data, transparency, accountability and honesty.

We have data at the core of everything we do. Whether it is researching keywords, or behavioural modelling, we believe that a foundation in data is essential to ensure we design the right solutions for success for your company. Data is, however, only part of the story. If data is our head, transparency, honesty and accountability is our heart. We believe in ensuring our clients know what we’re doing, why we have chosen to do a particular activity, and we ensure full data visibility.

Whether it is reporting on outreach or technical changes, we are fully transparent. We also believe that honesty is the most important thing in a consultancy and if we do not feel we can help, or if we feel that something isn’t quite right, we will let you know. We know our clients are entrusting us with their budgets, and accountability is something we are passionate about.


Judith Lewis
Founder at Decabbit Consultancy

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