Crypto Talent

Crypto Talent

Global HR services firm helping hypergrowth web3 companies scale via agile coaching, talent acquisition, and professional development

Over Crypto Talent

Our Vision

Creating human connections that change the world

    Our Strategy

Bridge the gap for companies struggling to hire talent in the niche & global crypto and Web 3.0 boom

We get it.    
You are on the frontier of technology. Bringing to fruition a project that will, or already is changing the world. But you can’t do it alone. Your team needs to grow to support your aspirations, but searching through the scarce talent market of the greater crypto industry is labor intensive and hiring a poor fit is an expensive set back.     That is where Crypto Talent comes in. We understand how important each individual member of your team is to the culture and success of your company, and aim to connect you with the right people the first time. By digging past the job description to the “why” of your company, your internal culture, and what makes you exceptional, we will be able to find the right person for your team and effectively communicate why working with you is the next step in their career.     It is challenging enough to build technologies that will ultimately change the world. Let Crypto Talent optimize your recruiting process while you focus on hitting your business goals.


Nicholas Strange
Ryan Kittinger
Founding Member
Teagan Lind
Founding Member