Blockchain & AI Eventon

Blockchain & AI Eventon

Bitcoin World Circle (BWC for short) is your one-stop-shop for news on blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. It’s called the smart economy because it allows people to trade Bitcoin and other crypto as traditional money. Though it all started in 2015, it didn’t take off and become popular until just recently.

Over Blockchain & AI Eventon

Our goal is to provide you with pertinent information within the realm of cryptocurrency. The content we generate gets more than 100,000 views a month. This tells you that we are an authority figure for the subject matter. With thousands of followers on social media, our fans know what we bring to the table.

We try to focus on three to five stories each day, all of them relating to Bitcoin or cryptocurrency in some way. You can feel confident in what you read because it is from one of the largest news sources in the world.

Do you have an advertising query? If so, you can contact us from the Contact Page. We are also looking for contributors to the site. Those who like to write and enjoy talking and learning about cryptocurrency should consider writing for us!

Our Editorial Policy

Journalists at Bitcoin World Circle seek to provide an unbiased analysis of cryptocurrency and blockchain news and must follow the best practices within the industry. Every post must have cited sources and is fact-checked before release. At least one of our editors checks each piece before it is published.

Our team of editors has representatives throughout the United States and Europe. At BWC, we work hard to report the most important newsworthy information quickly and efficiently, while always ensuring that data is shown in the right context. This way, you get pertinent information that can be used how you see fit.

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