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Laatste update

30 nov. 2021

CoinCasso is een multifunctioneel, meerlagig ontwerp en een hybride uitwisseling die de voordelen van gecentraliseerde en gedecentraliseerde uitwisselingen combineert. Als eerste op de markt geven we financiële voordelen aan actieve gebruikers.
2 nov. 2018
31 dec. 2019
100% voltooid
$2 145 213
100% doel voltooid
  • 1 CCX
    2.5 USD
17 sep. 2018
21 okt. 2018
100% voltooid
$730 000
100% doel voltooid
  • 1 CCX
    1 USD
Details token
Totale voorraad
100 000 000 ccx
Token Distributie
3% - Marketing & Partners
5% - CCX Pre-sale
20% - Reserved Funds
72% - CCX Crowdsale
Geaccepteerde valuta's
Geregistreerde bedrijfsnaam
CoinCasso OU
Geregistreerd land
Bedrijf opgericht
May 17, 2018
During pre-sale CXX token price was increasing from $0,30 to $2. During the main sale, its initial price is $2.5 and will increase to $10.
The stage lasts 24 hours (1 day). There are 320 stages during the main sale period (February 15 - December 31). The price of the token increases with each stage as a result of the development of the project. At each stage of the main sale, 218,750 tokens are available for sale. Tokens that do not sell at a certain stage will be burned. Check the chart on

The initial proportion in % 20/80 (company/holders) should remain. In case of scenario that not all tokens are sold in that period of time, all remaining tokens are subject to burn or destroy to keep planned initial proportion.
We assign 3% of tokens to bonuses such as bounty, vounchers for active users and airdrop. In the middle of February 2019, we are going to launch a bounty campaign for which 1% of tokens will be attached, namely, 1,000,000 tokens.
aanvullende details
MVP / Prototype
Ethereum ERC20

Over CoinCasso

Het CoinCasso-project is een holistische en democratische oplossing voor mensen.

Ons standpunt is heel anders, omdat we willen dat de community de ontwikkeling van onze exchange en de hele branche kan bepalen en beïnvloeden. Daarom bieden we onze gebruikers de mogelijkheid om mede-eigenaar te worden van het CoinCasso-project. Ons doel is om een ​​uitwisseling tot stand te brengen die de fouten van andere uitwisselingen niet dupliceert en handelt op basis van wat de gemeenschap wil. We willen een transparanter product aanbieden, openstaan ​​voor nieuwe projecten in de blockchain-industrie, we willen de markt holistisch ontwikkelen. We belonen CoinCasso-gebruikers voor de acties die worden ondernomen om ons project en de hele branche verder te ontwikkelen.

CCX-tokens werken op dezelfde manier als tokens op andere beurzen, maar ze hebben extra waarde voor de gebruikers van de centrale. Eigenaren van de tokens hebben de mogelijkheid om deel te nemen aan het bedrijf, de transactiekosten te verlagen en de tokenhouders het recht te geven om een ​​deel van de winst van het bedrijf te ontvangen.

CCX-tokens worden geïmplementeerd op basis van het meest populaire en geavanceerde ERC20-protocol. De basis voor de tokens is de Ethereum-blockchain met relatief snel in vergelijking met alternatieven. Dankzij die technologie zijn we in staat om het token voor alle betalingsprocessen en al onze sites zonder beperkingen te implementeren.
< span style = "font-weight: 400;"> Het hoofddoel van het token is om de mogelijkheid te bieden om vrijelijk te traden en tokens uit te wisselen tussen gebruikers, onze diensten en overdrachten tussen handelaars en andere instrumenten. Houders van de CCX-tokens kunnen CCX in paren uitwisselen met alle andere valuta die op onze markt beschikbaar zijn.


CoinCasso biedt gebruikers democratische mogelijkheden om hun munten en persoonlijke tokens toe te voegen. Het helpt bij het promoten van zowel persoonlijke als zakelijke tokens. Het doel is om bovenal een hybride centrale te creëren, een nog steeds gecentraliseerde centrale, die de centrale eenheid is die het hele project beheert en ontwikkelt, maar een die gebruikers de mogelijkheid biedt om te beslissen welke tokens en welke munten op de centrale verschijnen. en welke services worden aangeboden.

Functies van CoinCasso Exchange Platform:

  • - Een krachtig aantal transacties per seconde met de mogelijkheid om dit bedrag te verhogen in tijden van overbelasting < / li>
  • - Handelsmarge
  • - 9 Typen orders in een transactie
  • - Geoptimaliseerde gebruikersinterface / UX
  • - Vertrouwde ICO / STO-provider
  • - Winsten en bonussen voor CCX-houders
  • - Valuta FIAT, Ondersteuning voor zakelijke / persoonlijke tokens
  • - 24/7 Gebruikersondersteuning
  • - Hoog beveiligingsniveau

CoinCasso is meer dan alleen een uitwisseling, het is een meerlagig product. De winst die we delen met actieve gebruikers, komt uit de volgende delen van het project:

  • - CoinCasso Exchange 2.0,
  • - CoinCasso Pay Wallet-app,
  • - Snelle uitwisseling,
  • - Betalingsgateway,
  • - Een netwerk van geldautomaten,
  • - PoS - payment terminal.

Technische informatie

Onze CoinCasso Exchange CCX Token-houders zullen de grootste impact hebben op de introductie van nieuwe valuta's en innovaties.

CCX-Power zijn CCX-tokens die de gebruiker gedurende een beperkte tijd in de geverifieerde portefeuille heeft bewaard. Ze geven toegang tot deelname aan het leven van het bedrijf en ontvangen winst. CCX-POWER is alleen beschikbaar voor geverifieerde gebruikers.

Om CCX-tokens in CCX-POWER te converteren, moet je ze blokkeren in een speciale portefeuille op de gebruikerspagina op het uitwisselingsplatform.

Nadat de opgegeven tijd verstreken is, is de status van CCX "CCX-POWER". De tijd is afhankelijk van het aantal tokens dat je hebt. Dit mechanisme is bedoeld om manipulatie van de CCX-prijs op de centrale te voorkomen.

Exclusieve functies en voordelen van het ССХ-power token:

  • - 80% van de wisselkoerswinsten worden verdeeld onder CCX-eigenaars,
  • - Verlaging van commissie voor transacties afhankelijk van het aantal CCX (veldkosten)
  • - Het recht om te stemmen om tokens toe te voegen
  • - Het recht om deel te nemen aan het stemmen voor de structurele wijzigingen van de uitwisseling
  • - Voor houders van een groot aantal exclusieve CCX-uitnodigingen voor evenementen en materiële beloningen
  • - Voor houders met een grote hoeveelheid CCX-macht is het mogelijk om een ​​token toe te voegen voor een stem om toe te voegen het voor de uitwisseling
  • - mogelijkheid om deel te nemen aan andere CoinCasso-projecten (bijvoorbeeld CoinCasso Capital Foundation)

Meer informatie vindt u in onze whitepaper. & nbsp;

% naam% Roadmap

  • Start May 2017

  • Exchange Development
  • August 2018

  • Company Cryptocurrency License Issued
  • September 2018

  • CCX Token Creation
  • November 2018

  • CoinCasso Exchange Beta Open To Member
  • Lees verder
  • January 2019

  • CCX Token Pre-sale End Company takes 5M tokens
  • May 2019

  • CoinCasso App Beta Open to Public
  • June 2019

  • CoinCasso Exchange Website Upgrade
  • July 2019

  • First Profits for CCX Holders
  • December 2019

  • End of Token Sales
  • January 2020

  • Next Stage Whitepaper and Roadmap Open to Public

CoinCasso Team

geverifieerd 71%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team


$2 875 213

Luke Ozimski
Co-Founder, CEO
Marek Ozimski
Maksymilian Płócenni...
Inbound Marketing Manager
Nikita Gimon
Front-End Developer


$2 875 213

Klaudia Wojtaszek
Graphic Designer
Konrad Mączka
Full-Stack Developer
Kacper Fałat
Full-Stack Developer


geverifieerd 50%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Tomasz Nyikó
Marketing Advice
Zbigniew Zygadlo
Marketing Advice

Voormalige leden

Julia Sorokivska
PR Specialist
Grzegorz Bochniak
Content Manager


$3 575 213

Konrad Faltyn
Project Manager


$3 875 213

Bogdan Sinicki
Project Manager
Michal Grzywacz
Head of International Operations
Wiktoria Marcinkiewi...
Marketing Manager

CoinCasso Interviews

Luke Ozimski
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Im CEO and Co-founder of CoinCasso holistic project. Blockchain passionate with 5 years experience in industry. Ex Cisco certified network engineer. For many years operating in the IT and marketing industry. Also own with experience in business, a blockchain creator.
What do you think about idea?
CoinCasso is the world's first holistic crypto project and as exchange company shares own profit to its members. We are European and crypto licensed in Estonia company with worldwide aspirations. Cryptocurrency exchange platforms always earn no matter if the market goes up or down and always at the expense of its users. We will change it.
Marek Ozimski
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am a CEO and co-founder of the project. I am responsible for recruitment, technical issues (in particular regarding trading) and human resource management. I have many years of experience in creating and running multi-branch companies.
I've been passionate about Bitcoin and modern technologies for six years.
What do you think about idea?
CoinCasso is not just a business for us, but above all an idea. We want to spread awareness about innovative solutions that change the world.

As the first exchange platform in the industry, we share profits with our community members
Tomasz Nyikó
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Consulting, marketing services and capital raising. Researches marketing trends and data. Provides expert information regarding promotions, branding, media channels, and other key information for marketing success. Works as an independent consultant to provide marketing expertise.
Researches markets, trends, sales results, and other data related to products or services.
What do you think about idea?
An innovative idea that goes beyond the previously known forms. An idea how to use crowdfunding in an appropriate way.
Michal Grzywacz
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As Head of international operations, I am responsible for international contacts and relationships with potential partners and investors. Searching for innovative solutions for the company and creating new directions of expansion.
What do you think about idea?
Unique approach. Being an hybrid, CoinCasso is the first of it kind in the market. CoinCasso offer users democratic opportunities to add their coins and personal tokens. For the first time users of the exchange will have more possibilities then ever.
Maksymilian Płócennik
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I'm the Inbound Marketing Manager and Wordpress Developer. I create conception in relevance our Blog ( and manage the marketing processes around this page.
What do you think about idea?
I think is the revolutionary vision, in which we can change the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.
Julia Sorokivska
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
- Maintain relationships with an organisation's target audience, media, and other opinion leaders;
- Managing internal communications;
- Press Releases preparing and other content for news;
- Work on brand awareness;
- Constant communication with partners;
-Providing SM;
What do you think about idea?
CoinCasso is an exchange platform which as the first in the industry shares profits with its members. The project is ready in its first phase. Our goal is to create a community with which we will share 80% of our profits.
Nikita Gimon
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am responsible for contacting with users, fixing technical issues, testing new functions, and communicating with developers team.
What do you think about idea?
We are going to change the way of taking profits from the cryptocurrency market. No matter market goes up or down, you can earn money on being our member!
Grzegorz Bochniak
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
am responsible for content on our site. I create social media and blog posts, including news from the crypto world, cryptocurrency reviews and, above all, news related to our company. I make sure that the content is of the highest quality, because proper branding is a significant part of every project's success.
What do you think about idea?
We create an innovative cryptocurrency exchange platform, which as the first in the industry shares profits with its members (only 20% for the company, 80% for our CCX token holders). Except for that, we plan many other exciting features, including a network of ATMs. Stay tuned!
Bogdan Sinicki
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Primarily, I develop applications and work with the visual part of CoinCasso products. What's more, my responsibilities include developing some business processes for a company.

Our missions is to create large crypto-society around the world, by providing innovative solutions based on blockchain technology.
What do you think about idea?
CoinCasso is a holistic, world-changing cryptocurrency exchange platform which as first in the industry shares profits with its members.

We would like to expand awareness about innovative solutions, which may influence everyday life of billions of people, regardless of the place they live in.

For team, it’s not only a business. It’s an idea.
Konrad Mączka
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I'm developing web applications for CoinCasso, including cryptocurrency exchange and a few side projects.
What do you think about idea?
I strongly believe that democratic and holistic solutions are lacking in the cryptocurrency world, although they are needed. CoinCasso is one of the most innovative projects in blockchain industry.
Konrad Faltyn
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Im the Technical Lead in the project. I take care of everything that concerns technology and our web services.
What do you think about idea?
I believe that the idea of democratized services is the future. Best products in history were build by whole communities and not by a centralized entity.
Wiktoria Marcinkiewicz
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am the Marketing Manager of CoinCasso team. I am responsible for creating the whole marketing strategy for the project, social media content for the channels as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Telegram and communication with our community. Also one of my main duties is the PR of the company. The organisations of the summits and contact with media.
What do you think about idea?
1. We are the first project which is holistic, which means implementing solutions on a few business layers regarding the cryptocurrency solutions to make using easier for our users. Most of the exchanges do not have it. We want to disqualify the problems connected with using the banks by users. This is the first project in the world which underlines the education and information issue of how to use and what cryptocurrencies are.

2. We implement hybrid solutions. Security is the most important. We combine centralised and decentralised projects. We want users to have two wallets. If they do not trade, they will be able to keep their funds in a safe way. We want them to have private keys.

3. After finishing the implementing period of CoinCasso 2.0 we will start profit sharing. We build the project for users and with users.

4. We have implemented wallet application for mobile platforms Android and IOS to get Bitcoin, Ethereum and ERC-20 tokens with the possibility of sending funds, tracking the address transactions, exporting & importing the private keys. The app is free to use, free to download, totally safe, fast, add free & with transparent design. The code is open-source and it will be available at GitHub. The application is fully decentralised which lets our users totally safe funds keeping.

CoinCasso Laatste nieuws

5.0 20
ICO Profiel Visie Activiteit potentieel Artikel Team

% name% Reviews

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

Coincasso project is a multilayer exchange platform that was created to facilitate the usage of the cryptocurrency exchange as well as the cryptocurrencies itself for everyone, regardless of whether someone is a professional trader or a newcomer. One of its main tasks is to create a large crypto-society around the world by providing innovative solutions based on the blockchain technology.


  • The Coincasso Exchange is registered and licensed in Estonia and product is ready in the first phase. The service in the initial stage will give you the opportunity to exchange up to 10 cryptocurrencies and tokens as well as the ability to trade up to three FIAT currency pairs. CCX holders will have the biggest influence on the introduction of new currencies as well as innovations.
  • Quick Buy and Sell service was created to instantly exchange FIAT to token. It will be connected to Coincasso proprietary API, which will also facilitate the exchange and processing of transactions with merchants and Coincasso ATM network. Quick Buy and Sell service will also be the most friendly exchange environment for beginners.
  • An affiliate program was designed for Coincasso verified users who, by recommending its platform, will be able to benefit from participation in profits generated by registered members.
  • With the Coincasso mobile app using exchanges and cryptocurrencies will be easier than ever before. This is a breakthrough application, fully integrated with Coincasso exchange platform and ATM network, operating on all popular mobile devices.
  • Fully compatible with API, Coincasso Payment Gateway will change virtually every website, to the possibility of making payments in cryptocurrencies. Its development plan has the scope of creating our own payment gateway as well as plug ins for the most popular and extensive merchant systems such as woocommerce, prestashop, shopify or opencart.
  • Coincasso POS (point of sale) is the time and place where a retail transaction is completed. Its dedicated software or even hardware fully integrated with exchange market allows merchant calculates the amount owed by the customer, indicates that amount and indicates the options for the customer to make payment in cryptocurrency.
  • CCX tokens are implemented on the ERC20 protocol and therefore the most popular and one of the most advanced. For all token holders (members), transactions between Coincasso exchange, Coincasso wallets and ATM’s network will be free, as long as all services are works under the Coincasso internal infrastructure.
  • The Coincasso team have years of combined experience in professional programming, development and marketing and communications.
  • Next years of future development Coincasso dedicate to develop AR (augmented reality) and AI (artificial intelligence) solutions connected with crypto trading and exchange services.


  • With a short operating history and a completely new business model, it is difficult to accurately assess Coincasso prospects for future results.
  • The Coincasso platform doesn't make any forecasts about the value of the CCX token, while it is highly affected by changeable market conditions.
  • There is no information about investments compensation system in the case of losses.
  • Despite the fact, the Coincasso whitepaper provides the date on the project in a clear and logical way, it is available only in English or Polish


  • Develop and improve the Coincasso concept to make the project competitive and successful.
  • Provide token holders with warranties associated with the value of the CCX token and the compensation system.
  • Engage a qualified staff to translate the document into other languages.


CoinCasso Group is a safe and innovative platform consisting of a multi-layer group of products and services that facilitate the implementation of blockchain technology in everyday life. CoinCasso Exchange creates unique solutions supporting the exchange of cryptocurrencies. In addition, the whole project will also include the ATM-BTC network, which will start in the second half of 2019. Also includes implementation of mobile, PC and POS applications related to the entire infrastructure. This makes the project viable and I would invest in it.

Lees verder
  • Omdat er mogelijk tijdsverschillen zijn in informatie-updates, moet nauwkeurige informatie over elk ICO-project worden geverifieerd via de officiële website of andere communicatiekanalen.
  • Deze informatie is geen suggestie of advies over beleggen in ICO-financiering. Onderzoek de relevante informatie zelf grondig en besluit over ICO-deelname.
  • Als u denkt dat er problemen of problemen zijn die moeten worden gecorrigeerd voor deze inhoud, of als u uw eigen ICO-project wilt indienen dat wordt vermeld, e-mail ons.
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